Monday, 13 July 2015

Duplicity requests on RTI – Dopt advised to upload most often requests on the websites of all Departments

Duplicity requests on RTI – Dopt advised to upload most often requests on the websites of all Departments

Dopt instructed to all Ministries/Departments as per the suggestions given by the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committe, to avoid duplicity of requests from the applicants often, upload the requests and the replies can be published on the websites of the Departments.

G.I, Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.1/1/2013-IR, dated 9.7.2015

Subject: 76th Report of the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice Recommendation regarding suo-motu disclosure under Section 4 of justify to Information Act, 2005.

Reference is invited to this Department’s Office Memorandum No.1/6/2011-IR, dated the 15th April,2013 wherein all Ministries / Departments were advised to appoint a senior officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary and not below the rank of Additional HoD in case of attached offices for ensuring compliance with the proactive disclosure guidelines. Subsequently, vide O.M.No.1/1/20-13~IR dated 21st October,2014, all Ministries / Departments were requested to take action to upload the replies to RTI applications and first appeals on their respective websites. in this context, the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice has, in Para 4.40 of its 76th Report, inter-alia made the following observation / recommendations:

“The direction given by DoPT in their guidelines for implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act which required appointment of a Joint Secretary rank officer as the Nodal Officer should be followed in letter and spirit. The Committee feels that all Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations themselves must encourage suo-motu disclosure of relevant information. The Committee suggests the publishing of RTI requests and their replies on the websites of the Departments so that duplicity of requests is avoided. All Departments must make an analysis of information which is sought most often from applicants and provide it on their website as suo-motu disclosure.”

The above mentioned recommendations of the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice are hereby brought to the notice of all Ministries / Departments and Public Authorities for strict compliance.

The contents of this O.M. may also be brought to the notice of Attached Subordinate Offices and Public Sector Undertakings for necessary compliance.

Click to view the order

Authority: www.persmin.

One Day Strike on 2.9.2015 & Indefinite Strike from 23.11.2015 – Confederation News with Charter of Demands

One Day Strike on 2.9.2015 & Indefinite Strike from 23.11.2015 – Confederation News with Charter of Demands

Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers has uploaded an important message on its blog yesterday that the decision of nationwide one day strike on 2.9.2015 and indefinite strike from 23.11.2015 as per the call of National Joint Council of Action. The Resoluation of National Executive Committee and the Charter of Demands also published. The complete text of the message has been reproduced underneath…


2015 NOVEMBER 23


Dear Comrades,
The National Executive Committee meeting of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers was held at New Delhi on 12.07.2015. Affiliated organizations, General Secretaries of State Committees (COCs) and CHQ office Bearers attended the meeting. Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President, Confederation, presided. After detailed deliberations for about six hours, the meeting took the following important decisions.

1. Confederation and all its affiliated organizations shall participate in the Nationwide one day strike on 2nd September 2015 as per the call of all Central Trade Unions and independent Federations.
2. Charter of demands on which the strike is being organised on September 2nd by Confederation shall include
(1) 12 point common charter of demands affecting all sections of the Indian working class and
(2) 10 point charter of demands of the central government employees formulated by the National Joint Council of Action.
(See Charter of demands attached – Annexure-I)
3. Intensive campaign should be conducted among all Central Government Employees by each individual organisation by holding General body meetings, conventions, office-to-office campaign and gate meetings. Notices, pamphlets and posters should be printed and circulated to all offices and employees. Wide publicity should be given through print and electronic media. All websites of affiliates shall exhibit the campaign details, photos etc.
4. Confederation CHQ Leaders shall visit all important centres throughout the country between August 16 to 31st and address Joint Conventions/meetings of the employees. Meetings should be organised by the state/District level units of the Confederation (C-O-Cs). Advance planning should be made by the C-O-Cs to make the campaign programmes of Al India Leaders a grand success, by ensuring maximum participation of employees from all affiliated organisations (Details of the campaign programme will be published in the website within two days.)
5. State/District Units of the Confederation shall plan and organize their own campaign programmes at state/District level.
6. Strike notice will be served by Confederation CHQ to the Cabinet Secretary, Government of India on 11th August 2015. On the same day each individual affiliated organsiation of the Confederation should also serve strike notice to their respective Departmental heads. Demonstrations in front of all important offices should be held on 11th August 2015. Copy of the strike notice served by each organisation should be sent (email) to confederation CHQ.
7. All affiliated organisation shall make maximum efforts to ensure participation of maximum number of employees in the 2nd September strike. More than 10 crores organised and unorganised workers will be participating in the strike.
8. All affiliated organizations should issue their own separate circulars to all the lower units directing the Branch/District/Divisional/State/Circle level leaders to start campaign work immediately and also to ensure maximum participation of employees in the strike.

1. Confederation and all its affiliated organizations shall commence their own independent intensive campaign especially among grass-root level workers from now onwards.
2. At the same time Confederation state/District level leadership (C-O-Cs) should take initiative to organize joint conventions of National Joint Council of Action at maximum possible centres.
3. Immediately after the 2nd September strike and after submission of report by 7th CPC, the Confederation National Executive will meet again and decide further programmes to intensify the campaign programme for the success of 23rd November indefinite strike.
4. A Resolution adopted by the National Executive regarding 2nd September one day strike and 23rd November indefinite strike is enclosed herewith.

1. The All India Two days Women’s Workshop of Confederation will be held at Hyderabad on 9th & 10th October 2015. About 150 lady delegates from all affiliates and C-O-Cs will attend the workshop. Quota fixed for each affiliate and C-O-Cs will be circulated shortly. Delegate fee per head is fixed as Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five Hundred only). All affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs are requested to ensure maximum participation in the workshop. Travel tickets of the delegates may be booked well in advance.
2. Next National Conference of the Confederation will be held at Chennai (Tamilnadu) before September 2016. The Tamilnadu state Committee of the Confederation (C-O-C) shall finalise the dates/month in consultation with CHQ. Efforts may be made to hold the Conference in July itself.
3. Financial position of the Confederation CHQ was reviewed. It is noticed that many affiliates have not remitted their due quota. It is decided to instruct all affiliates to clear their quota arrears before 31st August 2015. Delegates to the National Conference will be fixed based on the quota remitted by each affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs. Needless to say that for smooth functioning of the CHQ and also for undertaking campaign programmes funds is a must.
4. Decided to nominate Com. R. Seethalakshmi, Convenor, Women’s Sub Committee, Confederation to the Women’s Committee of the Trade Union International (TUI)-Public an allied services functioning under world Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
5. Decided to grant affiliation to the following organizations
(a) Forest Survey of India Employees Association Dehradun (Uttrakhand).
(b) Employees Association of Directorate of Forest Education Dehradun Staff, Dehradun (Uttrakhand)
6. Decided to extend full support and cooperation for the successful conduct of the Asia-pacific region meeting of the Trade Union International (TUI) – Public and Allied Services at Delhi during the month of November 2015.

Meeting ended at 5 PM.

M. Krishnan
Secretary General



1. Urgent measures for containing price-rise through universalisation of public distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.
2. Containing unemployment through concrete measures for employment generation.
3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measure for violation for labour laws.
4. Universal social security cover for all workers
5. Minimum wages of not less than Rs. 15,000/- per month with provisions of indexation.
6. Assured enhanced pension not less than Rs. 3000/- P.M. for the entire working population.
7. Stoppage of disinvestment in Central/State PSUs.
8. Stoppage of contractorisation in permanent perennial work and payment of same wage and benefits for contract workers as regular workers for same and similar work.
9. Removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund; increase the quantum of gratuity.
10. Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days from the date of submitting applications; and immediate ratification of ILO Convention C 87 and C 98.
11. Against Labour Law Amendments
12. Against FDI in Railways, Insurance and Defence.

1. Effect wage revision of the Central Government Employees from 01.01.2014 accepting memorandum of the staff side JCM; ensure 5-year wage revision in future; grant interim relief and merger of 100% of DA; Include Gramin Dak Sevaks within the ambit of 7th CPC. Settle all anomalies of 6th CPC.
2. No Privatisation, PPP or FDI in Railways, Defence Establishment and no corporatization of Postal services.
3. No ban on creation of new posts. Fill up all vacant posts.
4. Scrap PFRDA Act an re-introduce the defined benefit statutory pension scheme.
5. No outsourcing, contractrisation, privatization of governmental functions; withdraw the proposed move to close down the printing presses, the publications, form stores and stationery departments and medical stores Depots; regularize the existing daily-rated/casual and contract workers and absorption of trained apprentices.
6. Revive the JCM functioning at all level as an effective negotiating forum for settlement of the demands of the Central Government Employees.
7. Remove arbitrary ceiling on compassionate appointment.
8. No labour reforms which are inimical to the interest of the workers.
9. Remove the ceiling on payment on bonus
10. Ensure five promotions in the serve career.



1. The National Executive of the Confederation which met at New Delhi on 12.07.2015 decided unanimously to endorse the call of the Central Trade Unions and independent Federations in the country for organizing one day nationwide strike on 2nd September 2015 to oppose the ongoing aggressive neo-liberal economic policies of the Government of India. The National Executive has decided to call upon all its affiliates to organise intensive mobilization campaign to reach out to each and every Central Government employees. The National Executive has also decided to deploy the National and state leaders of Confederation for a wider campaign amongst the Central Government employees in all states and District capitals of the country.

2. The meeting also noted with grave concern the rejection of a 5 years wage revision for Central Government Employees by the 7th Pay Commission and consequent demand of the benefit of merger of DA an Interim Relief. The meeting also noted the advisory articles appearing in the corporate/controlled media against the wage revision of Central Government Employees to influence the recommendation of the 7th CPC. The meeting noted with grave concern the negative attitude of the Government towards three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal Department by refusing to include them in the 7th CPC. The meeting decided to exhort the affiliates to bring the contents of the memorandum of the staff side JCM once again to the employees and prepare them for the proposed indefinite strike action of the CGEs including Railways and Defence workers from 23rd November 2015. It was also decided that besides the National charter of demands of prepared by the Central Trade Unions, the 10-point Charter of demands of the JCM staff side National Council shall form the combined charters of demands of the Central Government employees for the strike action on 2nd September 2015.

3. The meeting decided to appeal to all state committees and affiliated organizations to take active part in all meetings and conventions organised by Central Trade Unions, jointly with state Government Employees Federation, Bank, Insurance and other public sector undertakings. The Confederation and its affiliates shall serve strike notice for the 2nd September strike on 11th August 2015 by holding massive demonstrations at the respective work places.

Source: Confederation

Kerala Pay Commission Report handed over to Govt. – Download link

Kerala Pay Commission Report handed over to Govt. – Download link

Kerala pay panel hands over report to govt

Thiruvananthapuram: The Justice C.N. Ramachandran Nair Commission submitted its report recommending a hike in government employees’ salary here today.

Ramachandran Nair handed over the report to Chief Minister Oommen Chandy. The report recommends a hike ranging between Rs 2,000 to Rs. 12,000. It has been recommended that the revision be implemented with effect from July 1, 2014.

Other major recommendations include; promote high school teachers to the post of deputy headmaster on completion of 28 years and bring in a hike of house allowance ranging from Rs 1,000 to Rs 3,000.

The commission recommends a minimum wage of Rs.17,000 and maximum of Rs 1.2 lakh for the employees working under the state government. It suggests that government increase the retiring age to 58 from the present 56. It also proposes to lower the ceiling of minimum service needed for awarding pension from 30 years to 25.

Proposed scale and existing scale in bracket

LD Clerk: Rs 21,000 – 43,000 ( Rs 9,940-15,380); UD Clerk: Rs 26,500 – 53,000 ( Rs 13,210 -22,370); HSA : Rs 30,700 – 62,000 ( Rs 14,620 – 23,480); Last grade: Rs 17,000 – 35,000 (Rs 8,730 – 12,550)

If the government approves it, the recommendations will be implemented with effect from July 2014. The due amounts are likely to be merged with the provident fund.

Kerala 10th Pay Commission Report – Download link (Official Website of Pay Revision Commission)

Ordnance Factories - Eligibility for LDCE for the post of Supervisor (NT)

Eligibility for LDCE for the post of Supervisor (NT) in Ordnance Factories

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Ordnance Factory Board
Ayudh Bhavan
10A, Shaheed Kmudiram Bose Road, Kolkatta – 700 001


Date: 3/07/2015

1) The All Sr. General Managers / General Managers / All Head of Units, Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories.
2) The Sr.Prinicpal Director, NADP, Ambajhar, Nagpur.

Sub : Eligibility for LDCE for the post of Supervisor (NT)-reg.

In compliance with the rules contained in the SRO 30 dated 14.07.2010 & SRO 58 dated 19.07.2012, it is re-iterated in the following for information to all concerned in order to remove doubt and ambiguity arising out of it regarding the eligibility conditions for LDCE for the post of Supervisor (NT). An extract from the above mentioned SROs has been reproduced below : –

“Twenty five per cent by Limited Departmental Competitive Examination from amongst Non-Industrial employees in or above the pay Band -1 Rs. 5200-20200 (Grade pay Rs.1800) but below the pay Band-1 Rs. 5200-20200 (Grade pay Rs.2400) with three years regular service in the pay Band -1 Rs. 5200-20200 (Grade Pay Rs.1800) and possessing the necessary educational qualification for direct recruitment failing which by direct recruitment”.

In view of the above, it is stated that an applicant/employee for LDCE for the post of Supervisor (NT) has to complete three years of regular service in or above the pay Band -1 Rs.5200 – 20200 (Grade Pay Rs.1800) but below the pay Band-1 Rs. 5200- 20200 (Grade pay Rs.2400) as an Non-industrial employee within the crucial date as determined for a particular Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.


Source: BPMS

Central Government Industrial Employees - Night Duty Allowance and Night Shift Bonus Calculation

Method of Night Duty Allowance and Night Shift Bonus Calculation for Industrial Employees

Night Duty Allowance & Night Shift Bonus in OFB- Para 196 & 201 of Office Manual Part-VI (Volume-I) Chapter -V (Labour-Methods of Payment and Allocation)

Night Duty Allowance

201. Industrial employees working on night shifts are eligible for Night Duty allowance on the basis of weightage of 10 minutes for every hour of night duty performed between 22.00 hours and 6.00 hours at the rates specified in the Government orders Issued from time to time.

For calculation of weightage, duty for less than half an hour shall be ignored and, duty for half an hour and more but less than one hour shall be reckoned as one full hour. The rounding off of fractions of an hour shall be made with reference to the, actual hours of night, duty performed in a month (i.e. wage period) and not on daily basis.

Night duty allowance not be admissible during overtime hours if any falling within the night duty hours. The allowance will not be treated as `Pay’ for purpose of piece work earnings or for other allowances admissible to the employees. The night duty allowance payable to the industrial employees shall be booked to work order number 02/00003/00 and the work order is exempt from DA levy.

Note: – In the muster rolls, the period of night shift indicating the time of commencement and closing of such a shift in respect of workers on night duty should be specifically indicated by the factory.

The net hours of work between 22.00, hrs and 6.00 hrs. performed by the workers daily during the normal hours of night shift duty (i.e. after excluding the period of recess, shift leave, overtime etc. during that period) ‘,which hours qualify for night duty allowance should be shown separately in muster roll and progressive weekly and monthly Carried over as done in the case of normal booking, of attendance.

Night Shift bonus

196. A night shift represents the hours worked between the termination of the day shift and the normal opening hours of the next day. The piece workers who Perform overtime work under Departmental rules in the night shift will be paid an extra half hour pay termed as 'Night shift bonus' calculated at the hourly rate of 1/200 of the monthly basic pay plus dearness allowance, special pay, personal pay, pension (to the extent taken into account for fixation of pay in the case of re-employed pensioners) and city compensatory allowance for every hour of systematic overtime under Departmental Rules worked on the Night shift in addition to their piece yearnings. This element is not admissible to day workers.


Grant of 3% increment due to financial upgradation in the same Grade Pay – OFB Orders on 10.7.2015

Grant of 3% increment due to financial upgradation in the same Grade Pay – OFB Orders on 10.7.2015

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Ordnance Factory Board
Ayudh Bhavan
10A, Shaheed Kmudiram Bose Road, Kolkatta – 700 001


Date: 10/07/2015

The Sr. General Managers’ / General Managers

All Ordnance & Ordnance Equipmeni Factories

Sub: Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishments in Modification of Recommendations of 6th CPC

Ref: (i) OFB Circular No. 01/CR/A1/658 dated 17/02/2014
(ii) PC of A (FYS) Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2014/02 dated 11.02.2014
(iii) PC of A (FYS) Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2013/22 dated 31.07.2013

It has already been circulated vide Ref.(i) & (ii) above that HS/MCM workers drawing the pay scale of 5000-8000/- (i.e. Pay Scale of CM-II) by virtue of ACPS upto 31.12.2005 are to be considered for financial up-gradation in the Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- under 3rd MACP, if otherwise eligible.

Now, some factories and federations have sought clarification regarding 3rd MACP up-gradation in respect of the MCM workers who were drawing the pay scale of Rs. 4500-7000/- upto 31.12.2005. The matter has also been discussed in MACP Workshop held at NADP, Ambajhari on 8th & 9th May, 2015. In this connection, factories are requested to consider such employees financial up-gradation under 3rd MACP in the same Grade pay of Rs.4200/- with 3% increment benefit, if otherwise eligible.

PC of A (FYS) has already issued directives to all Branch vide Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2013/22 dated 31.07.2013 (copy enclosed) in this regard.

(S.K. Singh)

For Director General, Ordnance Factories

Source: BPMS

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