Thursday, 5 February 2015

Booking of eMO - Capturing Mobile Telephone Number

Capturing Mobile Telephone Number for the booking of eMO

G.I., Dep. of Posts., Circular No 3-4/2014-Po, dated 3.2.2015

Subject: Capturing Mobile Telephone Number for the booking of eMO.

Attention is invited to the Directorate memo no.27-6/2014-PO dated 17-07-2014, vide which a combined Money Order Form was introduced.

2. The new Combined Money order form referred to above provides the fields for capturing Mobile Number of the sender as well as that of the addressee/receiver The functionality to enter the mobile number of the sender and addressee also exists in the eMO software. However, these fields have not been made mandatory either in the form or eMO software.

3. Meghtdoot 7.9 2. released by CEPT on 20th December 2014, has a provision to send an SMS to the addressee in case of eMO apart from Speed Post, Registered Post, Parcel and Foreign Money Order The SMS is electronically triggered once the central server receives the message pertaining to the receipt of eMO at the delivery Post Office concerned. However, this would be possible only if mobile number of the addressee is captured in Point of Sale (Meghdoot) at the time of booking of eMO.

4. If the mobile number of the addressee is captured at the time of booking, the auto-populated SMS would intimate the addressee about arrival of the eMO at the delivery Post Office. This would have a major impact on eMO delivery. Therefore, the Circles may sensitize the Postmasters as also officials deployed at the counters to encourage the senders of money orders to provide details of senders as well as addressee’s mobile number in the eMO form. If the customers are informed about the advantages, they are likely to provide the mobile number for the purpose of booking of eMO.

Authority :

Corporatisation of Ordnance Factories – Still the cloud is not clear…

Corporatisation of Ordnance Factories – Still the cloud is not clear…

INDWF General Secretary Shri.R.Srinivasan published on its official blog regarding the burning issue of ‘Corporatisation of Ordnance Factories’. He said, that the media is highlighting in the press that M of D proposing to corporatise the Ordnance Factories in ‘The Hindu’ on 18th Jan 2015. Also damaging statements are appearing in the Press against Ordnance Factories. In this respect, all the three recognised Federations submitted a Joint Memorandum to Hon’ble Defence Minister on 30.12.2014 requesting him to call for a meeting to discuss the proposal of M of D about Ordnance Factories. But till date, no intimation has been received from M of D.

Still the cloud is not clear and the M of D is proceeding on its own without consulting or discussing with the stake holder including working class organisations.

The detailed letter is given below for your information…

Resolution adopted in the meeting of the Staff Side Members of OFB JCM III Level Council representing AIDEF, INDWF, BPMS and CDRA against the proposal of Corporatizing / Restructuring Ordnance Factories… (Click to read full story)

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