Monday, 8 June 2015

Income Tax for Premature Provident Fund withdrawal of more than Rs.30,000

Premature Provident Fund withdrawal – Income tax will be imposed

Income Tax for Premature Provident Fund withdrawal of more than Rs.30,000

The Government has announced that income tax will be imposed if, at the time of premature withdrawal, the Provident Fund amount is in excess of Rs.30,000.

Finance Minister brought a new provision in his budget that allows for TDS on Provident Fund withdrawal before five years of continuous service. When calculating the period of continuous service of five years, the previous employment can also be included. The intention of this at promoting long-term savings. The amendment will come into force from June 2015.

“Taxes will be imposed if, at the time of closing or transferring the PF account, the amount is in excess of Rs.30,000, and, if the employee has been employed in the current job for less than five years. Tax rebates are applicable. In order to claim tax exemption, the person has to submit a copy of his/her PAN card and Forms 15G and 15H, accompanied by a signed and filled up Form 19.

“Failing to do so will attract maximum taxes of up to 34.61%. If the forms are submitted, only 10% taxes will be deducted. Taxes will not be imposed if an old PF account is being converted to a new PF account. If the employee has served for more than five years, then, at the time of closing his account, no taxes will be imposed.

“The PF amount will also not be taxed if the employee is unwell, if the company has closed down, if the employment contract comes to an end, or if the employee loses employment for reasons that cannot be attributed to him/her.”



Clarification on Children Education Allowance as FAQ issued by Railway Board on 1.6.2015

A table of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ issued by Railway Board about Children Education Allowance. The order repeatedly indicates the same line of sentence for the question of ‘Third Child’ as ‘Reimbursement is permissible only the two eldest surviving children..’

And also clarified for the questions of Number of Note books and Recognition of Educational Institution in form of FAQ. Reproudction of the order and given below for your ready reference…

G.I., Min. of Railways, Railway Board O.M.No.E(W)2008/ED-2/4, dated 1.6.2015

Sub: Children Education Allowance – Frequently asked questions.

Please refer to Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 01.10.2008 followed by subsequent letters regarding revised policy instructions / clarifications on Children Education Allowance admissible to Railway Servants, based on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission.

2. Now, DOP&T has inter-alia issued clarification on reimbursement of Children Education Allowance in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQ) in terms of their Office Memorandum No.I-11020/1/2014-Estt.(AL). The text of OM is tabulated below for guidance of all concerned.

Source: NFIR

Modi Government to Raise Bonus Limits from Rs.3500 to Rs.4500

Modi Government to Raise Bonus Limits from Rs.3500 to Rs.4500

The Government has decided to raise the upper limit for the annual bonus that is being given to Central Government employees all over the country.

Payment of Bonus (Amendment) ordinance 2007 according to which section 12 of the payment of Bonus Act 1965 had been amended raising the ceiling for calculation purpose from salary of 2500/- P.M. to Rs.3500/-P.M. w.e.f. 01.04.2006. And also amended the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 to raise the eligibility limit for payment of bonus from the salary or wage of Rs. 3500/- per month to Rs. 10000/- per month.

Central Government employees are regularly given Productivity Linked Bonus(PLB). Each department announces its bonus days in the month of September. But, since there was an upper limit, only small amounts were given as bonuses. CG Employees Federations all over the country were demanding that the limits should be raised.

News have surfaced that decisions in this regard were made during a recent meeting held with group of ministers. According to unconfirmed sources, the upper limit has been raised by Rs.1000 from Rs.3500 to Rs.4500.


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