Monday, 10 August 2015

PRE – RETIREMENT COUNSELLING WORKSHOP ON 25-08-2015 , Important message for employees retiring within the next six months


Important message for employees retiring within the next six months

The Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare is organizing a Pre-retirement counselling workshop on 25th August, 2015 from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM in the Lecture Room-I, India International Centre (Annexe) 40, Max Muller Marg, New Delhi-110003.

The employees of Government of India retiring within the next six months and who have not attended the workshop yet are hereby informed that they may attend the
workshop. Confirmation with Name, Ministry & Phone No. may be sent at the email address

The persons desirous of attending the workshop are also requested to bring their PAN and Aadhar No. A write-up on the Commendable works done by the retiring employee during his entire service is also required to upload the same on ‘ANUBHAV’ on website

US (Sankalp)
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
Phone No.24641627


How to get Digital Life Certificate through online and the step

How to get Digital Life Certificate through online ?

An “Aadhar-based Digital Life Certificate” for pensioners, in a move that could eventually benefit over a crore pensioners. The Prime Minister said that after the push towards self-certification, this digital life certificate was another enabling mechanism which would benefit the common man.

At present, 50 lakh individuals draw pension from the Central Government alone. A similar number draw pension from State and Union Territory Governments. Several PSUs also provide pension benefits. Over 25 lakh retired personnel draw pension from the Armed Forces. The Aadhar-Based Digital Life Certificate will go a long way in reducing hardship which so many senior citizens have to go through to produce a Life Certificate every year.

Process of getting digital life certificate issued for Pensioners

Step 1 : Pensioner needs to have In Aadhaar number fer getting digital Life certificate issued.

Step 2 : Pensioner needs to enrol and biometrically authenticate himself/herself using one of the following methods

a) Download application prepared for generating digital life Certificate from on any Android Tabiet/Smartphone or Windows PC. Procure a low cost finger print scanner/iris scanner from the market and plug it on USB port of the Tablet/Smartphone/Pc. Using the above application, Pensioner will be able to enrol and bio-metrically authenticate in real time from the comfort of their homes by giving his/her Aadhaar number and other details their pension bank account.

b) Pensioner can visit a nearby CSC center, Bank Branch or any Government office whose details are provided under ‘locate center” on and bio-metrically authenticate in real time by giving his/her Aadhaar number and other pension details related to their pension bank account.

c) if the pensioner is already enrolled on the system, next time he gives his Aadhaar number, he would only be required to authenticate his bio-metric for updating date of his digital life certificate.

Step 3 : After successful submission of digital life Certificate. pensioner will be sent a sms on his/her mobile giving the transaction id, Pensioner will be able to download computer generated life certificate from jeevanpramaangovin using this transaction id tor their records.

Step 4 : Bank Branch can be informed about submission of your digital life certificate in one oi the following ways

a) Bank can login on and can search manually for Pensioner’s life certificate either by giving Aadhaat number, Bank Account number or Transaction.

b) Core Banking Systems of Banks will be able to automatically download life certificate details from the digital life registration repository and update life status in Pensioners bank account.

c) Pensioner’s digital life certificate can be sent to respective branch of the Bank by sending an email or forwarding the link through sms to download life certificate from the website.

Reminders through sms will be sent to the pensioners enrolled on for timely submission of their digital life certificates.

BPS will not rest till all justified issues are resolved – General Secretary Maheshwari Sc

BPS will not rest till all justified issues are resolved – General Secretary Maheshwari Sc

Full Pension to Pre 2006 Pensioners with less than 33 years of service but morethan 20 years QS – at par with Post 2006 Pensioners

Dear All affected,
For the information of every body,BPS is pursuing this issue justify from the beginning through different Forums.We have pleaded it before 7th CPC also.On 30.7.2015 only we said that the DOPPW OM dated 30.7.2006 is not implementation of CAT judgment but an extension of OM dated 28.01.2013 which was a result of BPS negotiations.

We have been informed that the issue of Full Pension to Pre 2006 Pensioners with more than 20 years of service but less than 33 yrs is still subjudice. Sometimes, over eagerness to file court cases becomes hurdle in negotiations & gives chance to administration to avoid or delay the issues.

I may assure you all that BPS wks for real achievements & not for gaining extra millage, neither BPS believes in inciting unjust inspirations.

I can only assure that BPS will not rest till all justified issues are resolved. Courts are the very last resort for pensioners.

Secy Genl. BPS

Source: BPS

Disbursement of Pension to Ex-Servicemen - Central Pension Disbursement Agency (CPDA)

Central Pension Disbursement Agency (CPDA) – Disbursement of Pension to Ex-Servicemen

Pension to Ex-Servicemen

The Minister of State for Defence Shri Rao Inderjit Singh said in a written reply to a question in Parliament on 31.7.2015 that the complaints regarding incorrect payment of pension, incorrect revision / underpayment of pension etc. are being received and action is taken to redress the grievances by taking appropriate action in coordination with Pension Sanctioning Authorities & Pension Disbursement Agencies.

The number of complaints received during each of the last three years and the current year are as under:-

The Government is considering to implement a system of Central Pension Disbursement Agency (CPDA) to facilitate credit of pension directly to Pensioner’s bank account.

The new system is likely to be implemented from the next financial year.

For ensuring quick and seamless disbursement of pension to Ex-Servicemen, following projects are undertaken by the Government.

Digital life certificate through Jeevan Praman Portal.

Digitization of records to enable prompt pension revision in future.

Submission of e-Pension claim and issuance of e-PPO.

Benefit of minimum pension to the pensioners retired before 01.01.2006

Benefits of Sixth Pay Commission to the employees who retired before 1.1.2006

In Rajya Sabha on 6.8.2015, Minister of DoPT Shri Jitendra Singh replied in a writeen form to the subsequent questions regarding the benefit of minimum pension to the pensioners retired before 01.01.2006.

He said, In its order dated 01.11.2011, Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Principal Bench allowed some petitions granting the benefit of minimum pension to the pensioners retired before 01.01.2006 as per the fitment tables applicable to the employees serving as on 01.01.2006. The order dated 01.11.2011 of Hon’ble CAT was upheld by the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi vide its order dated 29.04.2013 in Writ Petition (C) No. 2348-50/2012

The Special Leave Petition No.36148-50/2013 filed by the Government against the order dated 29.04.2013 of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi has been dismissed by Hon’ble Supreme Court on 17.03.2015.

Following the dismissal of the SLPs filed by the Government, Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare has issued orders vide OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 30.07.2015 in implementation of the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

Jeevan Pramaan: Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners

Jeevan Pramaan: Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners

Pension is an essential source of income after retirement for senior citizens. It supports them financially during emergency and helps them look after their needs at this stage of life. One of the main requisites for the pensioners post their retirement, was to provide life certificates to the authorised pension disbursing agencies like the bank, following which their pension got credited to their account.

For obtaining a life certificate, a pensioner earlier needed to present himself/herself before the Pension Disbursing Agency or had the life certificate issued by authority where they served and had it delivered to the disbursing agency. This very requirement of personally being present in front of disbursing agency or getting a life certificate often became a major hurdle in the process of seamless transfer of pension amount to the pensioner. It was noted that it causes a lot of hardship and unnecessary inconvenience particularly for the aged and infirm pensioners who cannot always be in a position to present them in front of the particular authority to secure their life certificate. In addition to this a lot of government employees post their retirement choose to move to different location either to be with their family or other reasons, hence causing a huge logistical issue when it comes to accessing their justifyful pension amount.

Digital Life Certificate – External website that opens in a new window for Pensioners scheme of the Government of India known as Jeevan Pramaan – External website that opens in a new window seeks to ease this very problem by digitizing the whole process of securing the life certificate. It aims to streamline the process of getting this certificate and making it hassle free and much easier for the pensioners. With this initiative the pensioners requirement to physically present himself or herself in front of disbursing agency or the certification authority will become a thing of the past benefiting the pensioners in a huge way and cutting down on unnecessary logistical hurdles.

Jeevan Pramaan – External website that opens in a new window is a biometric enabled digital service for pensioners. Pensioners of Central Government, State Government or any other Government organization can take benefit of this facility.

Jeevan Pramaan-Digital Life Certificate Registration Camp for Defence Pensioners

Jeevan Pramaan Registration Camp for Defence Pensioners

In pursuance of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s launch of Jeevan Pramaan-Digital Life Certificate, an Aadhar based biometric verification system which will enable Defence Pensioners to give their annual life certificate without having to physically go to pension disbursing bank / agency, camps are being conducted nationwide in areas with high density of ex-servicemen for data capturing.

A Camp is scheduled to be conducted at ENC Command Regimental System Office (CRSO), near ENC Placement Cell, inside INCS Complex, Visakhapatnam from 10th to 21st August 2015.

All ex-servicemen and those drawing family pension are required to register themselves at the Camp with their Aadhar Card, PPO copy, Bank Pension Account numbers and Mobile numbers.

The Camp will function daily from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm daily from 10th to 21st August 2015. For any queries, personnel may contact CRSO/ HQENC at telephone number 08912812748.

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