National Anomaly Committee Meeting – Is it to be held just for an agenda of four items?
NFIR has confirmed in its official website through a DoPT order(O.M.No.11/1/2015-JCA, dated 12.5.2015) that a meeting of National anomaly committee would be held on 29th of this month. It has been mentioned in the order that all the members of the Staff Side members of National Anomaly Committee are being invited to attend this meeting.
National Council JCM functions as an organisation that raises its voice reiterating the demands of the forty lakh employees of the Central Government. It comprises representatives from all ministries/departments.
Normally, the anomaly committee meeting is being convened to discussion on rectifying the anomalies in the salary of the employees. Thus far, 5 meetings of the NAC have been held after the constitution of the sixth pay commission. Thanks to these meetings, many discrepancies in the salary scale have been successfully rectified. Particularly, grant of one increment in pre-revised pay scale on 1.1.2006 as a onetime measure in respect of all those employees whose next increment fell between 1.2.2006 to 30.6.2006 which was a significant resolution of the issue raised by the Staff Side. But, problems common to all the employees, created after the constitution of the Sixth pay commission still remain unresolved.
Demands considered justifiable:
1. There is no benefit after the introduction of ‘Grade pay structure’, on the other hand, discrepancies have appeared. The hierarchy system that was in vogue over years split into two segments – promotional hierarchy, grade pay hierarchy. Those who were promoted through MACP should get promotion on the basis of promotional hierarchy.
1. There is no benefit after the introduction of ‘Grade pay structure’, on the other hand, discrepancies have appeared. The hierarchy system that was in vogue over years split into two segments – promotional hierarchy, grade pay hierarchy. Those who were promoted through MACP should get promotion on the basis of promotional hierarchy.
2. 5,000, 5,500, 6,500 were combined. For the highest figure 6,500, after calculating 1.86, it should be fixed as 12090 instead of 9300.
3. The recommendations of the Sixth pay commission came into effect from 1st January, 2006, but all the allowances were disbursed only from 1 September 2008.
4. The additional Dearness Allowance percentage should be calculated as the important base index factor of 115.12 instead of 115.76.
5. The Sixth pay commission says that the Grade Pay was given on the basis of calculation in which 40% was taken as the mark. But, in certain cases (PB-3, PB-4) had been violated. 50% should be the basis for all categories.
6. 6th CPC has recommended specific entry level pay for Direct Recruits (DRs). This has resulted in employees who were appointed in service prior to the DRs and got promoted earlier getting less pay as compared to their counterparts recruited directly and who joined after 01.01.2006.
7. Commutation of additional Pension or Revision of pension in respect of post 31.12.2005 retirees.
8. 15 Years Period fixed for Commutation is Arbitrary/unjustified. etc., etc.,
In a situation where discrepancies of this nature still remain unresolved, the announcement about the convening of the National Anomaly Committee meeting to discuss an agenda mentioning only four items has created confusion & questions in the minds of the Central Government employees.
The meeting is being convened after a gap of three years.
What is the fate of the demands that were discussed at the meeting held on 17 July 2012?
Will all the items in the agenda of previous meetings be discussed at this meeting?