Friday, 15 May 2015

National Anomaly Committee Meeting will be held on 29.5.2015 – Agenda Points in DOPT Order

National Anomaly Committee Meeting will be held on 29.5.2015 – Agenda Points

NFIR published the order issued by the DoPT to convene a meeting of National Anomaly Committee on 29th May 2015 and also attached agenda points…

Government India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 12th May, 2015


Subject: Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee – 29th May, 2015 at 3.00 P.M.

The undersigned is directed to say that a meeting to discuss the items which were discussed in the last National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on
17.07.2012 and required separate examination (as annexed) is scheduled to be held under the Chairpersonship of Joint Secretary (E) on 29th May, 2015 at 15.00 Hrs in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi.

2. It is requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting.

(A.Asholi Chalai)
Tel/Fax: 011-23094906


1. Secretary, Staff Side Council (JCM), 13-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi

2. General Secretary, AIRF, 4 State Entry Road, New Delhi.

3. General Secretary, NFIR, 3, Chemsford Road. New Delhi.



Review of MACP to Grade pay of Rs. 2000/- where there is no such grade 
pay in Railway.

ITEM No. 2

Additional Pay to Loco & Traffic running Staff.

ITEM No. 3

Teatment of employees selected under LDCE SCheme / GDCE Scheme

ITEM No. 4.

Grant of minimum entry pay meant direct recruit to promotes.

Source: NFIR

Dopt orders 2015 – Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from PA to PS Grade of CSSS

Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from PA to PS Grade of CSSS

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.4/9/2014-CS.II(A)(part-III), dated 14.5.2015

Subject:- Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from PA to PS Grade of CSSS – Select List Year 2013 (extended)-reg.

In continuation of this Department’s OM of even no. dated 27.02.2015, the undersigned is directed to say that it has been decided to further extend the range of seniority (zone of consideration) for making addition to the Select List of PS Grade(Seniority Quota) of CSSS for the Select List Year 2013 as follows:-

UR –  All unabsorbed and eligible PAs of previous zones and the PAs from CSL No. 1781 (SLY 2007) to CSL No. 1817 (SLY 2008) of Common Seniority List of PAs issued by this Department’s O.M. No. 4/7/2011-CS.ll (A) dated 13.07.2012 who have completed 5 years of ‘Approved service’ as on 01.07.2013.

SC & ST  – All unabsorbed and eligible PAs of previous zones and PAs who have completed 5 years of ‘Approved service’ as on 1.7.2013.

2. Other terms & conditions of this Department’s OM of even no. dated 27.02.2015 would remain unchanged. The requisite information be furnished to this Department in the prescribed proforma latest by 29.05.2015.

(Kameshwar Mishra)

Under Secretary to the Government of lndia


Increment benefit comparison between 5th & 6th Pay Commission – An overview about Central Government Employees’ Increment

Increment benefit comparison between 5th & 6th Pay Commission

Increment benefit comparison between 5th & 6th Pay Commission – An overview about Central Government Employees’ Increment

‘Increment’ is definitely one of the most popular words in the Central Government employee’s dictionary. It is a known fact that each year, without fail, increment brings considerable raise in salary for Central Govt employees. Until about the 5th CPC, there was no major change in the increment system. But, the 6th CPC brought in landmark reforms in the increment system.
Until then, increments were given in the form of a consolidated amount. The 6th CPC recommended that it be calculated on percentage basis. The Central Government ordered that it be calculated at 3% of the employee’s basic pay with effect from 1.1.2006.
The CG employees didn’t realize how useful this was going to be. They thought it wouldn’t amount for much. It was Rs.75 for Rs. 3050 and revised to Rs. 210 for Rs.7000 with simple calculation.
But that was not the end of the story. It was only after a number of years that they realized the true impact of this reform. Let us explain the benefits with an example:
Let us consider the examples of A, and B, two employees who had joined the Central Government services: In five years of getting recruited, B gets a promotion. A gets a promotion three years after B.
On the basis of the 6th CPC :

[BP-Basic Pay, Inc.-Increment, GP-Grade Pay, BP-Pay in Pay Band]
Can you understand the difference now?
In 6th CPC the difference between ‘A’ and ‘B’ will be Rs.70 only, whereas in 5th CPC it will be Rs.300.
The Junior doesn’t have to worry that the senior has a tremendous advantage over him. In the past, the Junior wouldn’t be able to attain the Senior’s basic pay until retirement.

Rounding off the amount of Increment to next multiple of 10

Rounding off the amount of Increment to next multiple of 10

Rounding off the amount of Increment to next multiple of 10 : Clarification regarding.
Attention is invited to this HQrs Circular No. AN/XIV/14162/6th CPC/Circular/Vol.IV, dt. 29/0212012 wherein it was directed to adopt the methodology stipulated in Rule 7(Note 2A), Rule 9 and Rule 11 of GoI, MoF notification, dated 29/08/2008 (RPR 2008) for rounding off at the time of fixation of pay while granting annual increment for the year 2006, 2007 and 2008 and implement the revised instructions issued by MoF, Department of Expenditure vide their OM, dated 29/01/2009 only for annual increments granted on or after 07/2009.
2. In this regard, a reference has been made by one of the controller offices bringing out the anomaly caused due to adoption of different methodologies by different controller offices in rounding off the amount of increment while carrying out refixation of pay due to implementation of MoF, Deptt. of Expenditure OM dated 19/03/2012.
3. To avoid any anomaly, it is reiterated that the instructions laid down under this HQrs circular dated 29/02/2012 are to be followed in-toto while refixation of pay on account of implementation of MoF, Dept. of Expenditure OM dated 19/03/2012 also. Accordingly, the instructions issued by MoF, Dept. of Expenditure vide their OM dated 29/01/2009 to round off any amount of a rupee or more to the next multiple of 10 is to be implemented only for calculation of increment under revise pay structure granted on or after 01/07/2009.
This is for your information, guidance and necessary action please.

Click to view the original order in both English and Hindi

Cleared by MOC & IT - Cadre Restructuring Proposal for Group-C

Cadre Restructuring Proposal for Group -C Cleared by MOC & IT

The Cadre Restructuring for Group -C Employees has been signed by the Ministry and forwarded to DOPT for Final Approval on 13.05.2015.

It is expected that the proposal would be approved by DOPT after various formality checks and clearance from Department of Expenditure of Ministry of Finance.
The Salient features of the agreement are as follows :

1. Number of LSG posts will increase from 8 % to 22 %

2. Number of HSG II posts will increase from 2 % to 12 %

3. Number of HSG I posts will increase from 1.5 % to 4 %

4. After completion of 2 years in HSG I the official will be promoted to 4800 GP (Non-functional Basis)

5. The above proposal will be applicable to RMS, Circle Office and SBCO in the same ratio

6. Postman/Mail guard will get the same ratio of promotion.

1. The Post of SPM in Single and Double Handed Post offices will be placed under 2800/- Grade Pay ie All LSG and I MACP officials would man the offices.

2. The Post of SPM in Triple Handed and LSG Post offices will be placed under 4200/- Grade Pay ie All present HSG II / MACP II officials would man the offices and Posts.

3. The Post of HSG I and HSG II would be merged and placed under Grade Pay of 4600/- and be granted 4800/- on non functional basis after 4 Years.

4. The Post of Existing Postmaster Cadre officials will be modified in light of the same on approval of the Cadre Restructuring…

The Present Postmaster Grade -I Offices are likely to be placed under the Grade Pay of 4200/-

The Grade I Posts are likely to get ungraded to Grade II , creating wide opportunity for the Postmaster Cadre Official to get promoted to Grade II and Placed within the same division.

The Present Grade II offices are likely to be placed under 4600/- Grade Pay creating more number of offices for HSG I and II officials.

The Norms of the Postmaster Grade III Offices would be modified so as to identify 1/3rd of the merged HSG I and II for Postmaster Grade III.

Copy of the earlier agreement signed with Union


Pay Fixation on MACP as per 6th Pay Commission – Some Illustrations

Pay Fixation on MACP as per 6th Pay Commission – Some Illustrations
Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS)
MACP clarifications is given with useful illustrations for Defence Civilian Employees. This type of explanations is very useful to know and clarify the doubts of the new scheme. Wittingly to clear in the particular subject, because it is connecting with lifetime promotion of every employee.
This scheme for career upgradations to Central Govt. employees was introduced with effect from 1-09-2008 with introduction of revised pay rules 2008.
This scheme has replaced earlier scheme of Assured Career Progression Scheme of August 1999.
Under this scheme, an employee would get at least three career upgradations during his entire service on completion of 10,20 and 30 years of service.
Under this scheme an employee would be placed in next higher grade pay on completion of 10 years in previous grade and in case of no promotion has been offered to him.
a. Illustrations of Grant of MACP – Illustration – 1
In case of recruitment of an individual in Grade Pay (GP) of Rs.4200 with no promotion for 10 years,
1st financial upgradation after 10 years with GP-Rs.4600;
2nd financial upgradation after (10+10) 20 years with GP- Rs.4800;
3rd financial upgradation after (10+10+10) 30 years with GP- Rs.5400.
Illustration – 2
In case of recruitment of an individual in Grade Pay (GP) of Rs.4200 with first promotion after 5 years with GP of Rs. 4600,
The promotion will be considered as 1st financial upgradation;
2nd financial Up gradation after (5+10) 15 years with GP-Rs.4800;
3rd financial up-gradation after (5+10+10) 25 years with GP-Rs.5400.
Illustration – 3
In case of recruitment of an individual in Grade Pay (GP) of Rs.4200 with 1st promotion in 5 years with GP-Rs.4600 and 2nd promotion after 8 years,(5+8=13 years) with GP of Rs.4800,
He will get only 3rd financial up-gradation after (5+8+10) 23 years with GP-Rs.5400.
b. Norms for grant of MACP
The financial up gradation would be on non-functional basis subject to fitness in the hierarchy of pay band and grade pay.
The only benchmark of “Good” would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs.6600 in PB-3.
The benchmark will be “Very Good” for financial upgradation to the grade pay of Rs.7600 and above.
However, if the financial upgradation under the MACPS also happen to be in the promotional grade and benchmark for promotion is lower than the benchmark for granting the benefits under MACPS as mentioned in Para 17 of the scheme, the benchmark for promotion shall apply to MACP also.
c. Clarifications on MACP
If the promotional hierarchy as per recruitment rules is such that promotions are earned in the same grade pay, then the same shall be counted for the purposes of MACP.
Only the continuous regular service is counted towards qualifying service and the regular service shall commence from the date of joining in direct entry grade on the MACP envisages merely placement in the immediate next higher grade pay as given in Section1, Part A of first schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008.
Financial upgradation will also be admissible whenever a person has spent 10 years in the same grade pay.
Only regular service rendered in the Central Govt. Department/Office would be counted for the purposes of grant of MACP.
All tenures spent on deputation, Foreign Service, study leave, all kind of leave, shall be included in the regular service.
d. The benefits of MACP are admissible upto HAG scale of Rs. 67000-79000.
All cases of grant of promotions/ACPs under pre-revised pay scales of Rs. 5000-8000, Rs. 5500-9000, Rs. 6500-10500 and Rs. 7400-11500 and if those merged w.e.f. 1-1-2006 would be ignored for purpose of grant of financial upgradation under the scheme.


6th CPC has the honour of introducing a number of new changes


6th CPC has the honour of introducing a number of new changes.

Some of the most important changes introduced by the 6th CPC are GRADE PAY STRUCTURE, 3% INCREMENT, CHILDREN’S EDUCATION ALLOWANCE, and announcing July 1 as INCREMENT DAY FOR ALL. In addition, it also created new regulations to avoid smaller calculations – the method of “ROUNDED OFF TO THE NEXT MULTIPLE OF TEN.”
Even as the 7th CPC is fast approaching, doubts about the Increment Calculation on the basis of the 6th CPC persists, especially about the “ROUNDED OFF TO THE NEXT MULTIPLE OF TEN” method. It is obvious that doubts persist.
In order to avoid decimals, it is a usual practice to round off anything over 50 as 1, and less than 50 as 0. But, according to the Revised Pay Rules 2008 of the 6th CPC, 100.90 is to be taken as 101, and, 101 is to be rounded off as 110.
Let us assume that a person’s increment calculation results in 510.90. That has to be taken as 510. But, if the number is 511, then it has to be taken as 520.
Let us get to the interesting part of this concept:
For those with Band Pay higher than 7440, there are chances that Transport Allowance would rise from Rs. 400 to 800 or from Rs. 600 to 1600. There are possibilities that even 10 Paise could make a big impact.

The difference between Rs. 7430 and Rs. 7440 is huge..!

Many would have found themselves in critical junctures where these small differences would result in differences of Rs. 1000 per month, adding up to Rs. 12000 per year. That could be one of the reasons why some employees are upset with these calculations. The ones who had to lose due to these calculations will remember it for a very long time.
In the beginning of 2009, a few departments didn’t understand these calculations properly. They went about rounding off 50 Paise as Re. 1 and calculated increments on that basis.
Even when 6th CPC tried to remove the impact of Paise in the calculations, it somehow continues to have an effect!

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