Clarification regarding stepping up of pay of senior PAs of CSSS w.r.t. their juniors
G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.5/16/2009.CS-II(C), dated 26/27.8.2015
Subject: Clarification regarding stepping up of pay of senior PAs of CSSS w.r.t. their juniors.
The undersigned is directed to say that several references have been received in this Department from Ministries/Departments seeking advice as to whether the pay of the senior PAs can be stepped up at par with that of their junior Shri Jai Bhagwan, PA of Department Commerce (Supply Division) (now in Ministry of Information & Broadcasting). It has also come to the notice of this Department that many Ministries/Departments have already granted stepping up of pay to their PAs at par with the pay of Shri Jai Bhagwan.
2. The issue of fixation of pay of Shri Jai ghagwan, PA has been examined in this Department. As per DoP&T’s O.M.No.35034/1/97-Estt.(D) dated 04th October, 2012, stepping up of pay is allowed to those officials who got their ACPS benefit prior no 1.1.2006 but are drawing less pay than their juniors, who got it after 1.1.2006 subject to certain conditions. Therefore, in all similar cases, the stepping up of pay of a particular senior who got the ACPS benefit before 1.1.2006 could only be allowed with direct reference to a particular junior who got it after 1.1.2006 and got his pay fixed in terrns of para 2(c) of Department of Expenditilre’s U.O. note No.10/1/2009-IC dated 14.12.2009. Any stepping up of pay is not allowable in a chain-like manner. Shri. Jai Bhagwall got ACP on 01.07.2005 and as such, para 2(c) of Department of Expenditure’s U.O. note No.10/1/2009-IC dated 14.12.2009 would apparently not apply in his case. As such, the pay fixation order No.G-12014/1/2008-Admn dated 09.02.2011 of Shri Jai Bhagwan, PA issued by the Department of Commerce (Supply Division) is not in order.
3. Ministry of I&B were requested to explore the possibility of allowing stepping up of pay to Shri Jai Bhagwan, in case his case is covered under the O.M. dated 04.10.2012. Accordingly, DAVP, Mintstry of I&B, re-examined his case and re-fixed his pay w.e.f. 01.07.2006 by granting stepping up of pay with reference to his junior namely Smt. Promila Bandooni. A copy of DAVP, M/o I&B’s Office Order No.A.20012/07/2012-Admn.l dated regarding re-fixation of pay of Shri Jai Bhagwan, PA of CSSS enclosed herewith.
4. In view of the above, all Ministries/Departments are advised to take further necessary action to accordingly review the stepping up of pay already granted to their PAs in comparison to Shri Jai Bhagwan, PA, CSSS and necessary recoveries of excess amount, if any, be effected. in this regard, from the concerned officials.

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