Tuesday, 6 January 2015

IBA Circular on deferment of bank strike

IBA Circular on deferment of bank strike

Indian Banks’ Association

HR & Industrial Relations

January 6, 2015

Chief Executives of Member Banks
which are parties to the Bipartite Settlement

Dear Sir/Madam,

Strike Notice by UFBU on 7th January 2015 – Deferred

Please refer to our Circular No.CIR/HR&IR/Q/2014-15/1084 dated 23rd December 2014 regarding the strike call given by the United Forum of Bank Employees (UFBU) on 7th January 2015. In accordance with the submission in conciliation meeting held on 5.1.2015, we had convened meeting with the Unions/Associations on date. On being satisfied with further improvement in offer in wage hike by IBA, the UFBU has decided to defer the strike scheduled on 7th January 2015.

Member banks may kindly take note of the above and convey suitably to all their establishments.

Yours faithfully,

Click here to view the original circular

Source: www.7thpaycommissionnews.in

Expected DA Jan 2015

Expected DA for January 2015 – DA Hike Almost Decided..!

Until the 6th CPC, the Dearness Allowance didn’t increase by more than 1 or 2%. It was only after the 6th Pay Commission that it began to increase substantially. With the skyrocketing prices of essential commodities, Dearness Allowance too began to rise. Twice, it touched double digits. In July 2013 and Jan 2014, within 12 months the DA has leapt on to the 100%. We cannot forget that the each instalment gave 10%. Then, it slumped.

Dearness Allowance, which is given once every six months, is likely to be 6% hike from January 2015. This is 1% less than the previous hike of additional DA from July 2014. The total DA from Jan 2015 will become 113%.

As soon as the first instalment is confirmed, expectations will start growing about the second instalment, i.e., ‘Expected Da from July 2015‘. The second instalment of the year will cover the months between July and December 2015. This will be the last time that the DA hike will be calculated based on the method recommended by the 6th Pay Commission. DA of 2016 will be calculated based on the recommendations made by the 7th Pay Commission.

7th Pay Commission on DA Calculation..? Is there any possible to change in the method of calculation..?

First, we have to know about the calculation of Dearness Allowance…
How DA is calculated..?
Month Year /  CPI(IW) BY 2001=100 / Total / Average / App. DA / DA%
First is the month and year. Then the CPI (IW) Base Year 2001=100 and the relevant data. In the next column, you have the sum total of all the 12 months, i.e., the total of the declared AIPCIN numbers for the past 12 months. Next comes the division of the sum total by 12.

The next step is the most crucial one. You will have to find out by how much it exceeds 115.76. You will have to calculate the excess as percentage of 115.76.

(12 Monthly Average) – 115.76
————————————————–  X  100 = Percentage increase in prices

MACP Scheme – CGHS Facility – CPF to GPF to KVS Employees

MACP Scheme – CGHS Facility – CPF to GPF to KVS Employees

A detailed report has been submitted as written reply to a question in Parliament about the employees working under Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan by the Minister of Human Resource Development as follows…

MACP Scheme: The Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government civilian employees has been introduced vide Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No.35034/3/ 2008-Estt.(D) dated 19th May, 2009 as amended from time to time. The extension of Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) to the employees is subject to the conditions that:-

i) The earlier ACP Scheme was also implemented/adopted by the said Autonomous/Statutory Body.

ii) The proposal to adopt MACP Scheme has been approved by the Governing Body/Board of Directors.

iii) The Administrative Ministry/Financial Adviser of the Ministry has concurred with the proposal.

iv) The financial implications of adoption of MACP Scheme has been taken into account by the Organisation / Body and the additional financial implication can be met by it within the existing Budget Grants.

As the teaching staff of KVS, including Principals had not accepted the earlier ACP Scheme introduced in the year 1999, they would not be entitled for the benefits of MACP scheme.

CGHS Facility : Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has extended the CGHS facility to the employees of KVS(HQ) and non-teaching staff of KVS Regional Office, Delhi. Besides this, CGHS facilities have also been extended by the DGHS to the teaching staff as well as non-teaching staff of Regional Offices and Kendriya Vidyalayas, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai and Bangalore.

The matter was taken up with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in October, 2012 to extend the CGHS facility to the employees serving in Kendriya Vidyalayas/KVS in all other stations across the country and to its pensioners wherever CGHS facilities are available. However, DGHS in December, 2012 had conveyed that CGHS is already facing acute shortage of human resources and it would not be possible to extend CGHS coverage to new cities as well as new establishments.

Switch over from CPF to GPF-cum-Pension Scheme: After the implementation of the Fourth Pay Commission Report, the Govt. of India vide O.M. dated 01.05.1987 provided an opportunity to the government employees to switch over from CPF to GPF-cum-Pension Scheme. For the KVS employees this option was available till 31.01.1989.

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