Monday, 28 December 2015

No LPG subsidy for higher income group people

No LPG subsidy for higher income group people

Benefit of LPG subsidy will not be available if the consumer or his/her spouse had taxable income of more than Rs Ten lakh in previous financial year

At present, there are 16.35 crore LPG consumers in the country. With the implementation of the PAHAL Scheme (DBTL), the subsidy is being transferred directly to the Bank Account of 14.78 crore LPG Consumers. The objective of the scheme was to ensure that the subsidy benefits go to the targeted group.

The Government had also given a call to the well-to-do households for voluntarily giving up LPG subsidy. So far, 57.50 lakh LPG consumers have opted out of LPG subsidy voluntarily heeding the call given by the Prime Minister. The subsidy saved from the ‘GiveitUp’ campaign is being utilized for providing new connections to the BPL families under the ‘Giveback’ campaign. This enables provision of LPG, a clean fuel, to poor households by replacing the conventional fuels such as kerosene, coal, fuel wood, cow dung, etc. relieving the poor of the hardships and health hazards from such fuels.

While many consumers have given up subsidy voluntarily, it is felt that consumers in the higher income bracket should get LPG cylinders at the market price. Therefore, the Government has decided that the benefit of the LPG subsidy will not be available for LPG consumers if the consumer or his/her spouse had taxable income of more than Rs 10,00,000/- during the previous financial year computed as per the Income Tax Act, 1961.

In keeping with the approach of trusting the citizens, this will be given effect to initially on self-declaration basis while booking cylinders from January 2016 onwards.

Person With Disabilities in Central Government – 7th Pay Commission Recommendations

Person With Disabilities in Central Government – 7th Pay Commission Recommendations

PWDs in Central Government

The government provides three percent reservation in jobs for PWDs. Apart from this reservation at the entry stage, DoPT has issued instructions regarding identification of jobs, post-recruitment and pre-promotion training, providing aids/assistive devices, accessibility and barrier free environment at work place, preference in government accommodation, grievance redressal, and preference in transfer/posting for PWDs. In a recent notification, a provision has been made for ten years’ (fifteen years in case of SC/ST and thirteen years in case of OBC candidates) relaxation in the upper age limit for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government.

Moreover, there are certain special entitlements as given below:
i. Special Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disabilities at the rate of ₹1,500 pm;
ii. Transport Allowance at double the normal rate, subject to a minimum of ₹1,000 pm;
iii. Constant Attendance Allowance for retired employees with 100 percent disablement at the rate of ₹4,500 per month;
iv. Special Casual Leave for four days in a calendar year for specific requirements relating to disabilities;
v. Special Casual Leave for ten days in a calendar year for participation in Conferences/Seminars/Trainings/Workshops related to disability and development.

In case the disability is work related, the following additional provisions are available:
a. Special Disability Leave;
b. Disability Pension;
c. Educational Concession to children of Defence personnel who are disabled in action.

For employees with differently abled children, Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy is granted at double rate.

Associations of employees with disabilities made the following demands before the Commission:
i. Suitable enhancement in the existing provisions
ii. Provision of Common Room in offices with suitable recreational facilities
iii. Additional rebate in House Building Advance and Automobile Advance
iv. Establishment of Welfare Committees in the ministries

Analysis and Recommendations
The National Policy for Persons with Disabilities, 2006, enunciates the measures that need to be taken by the government to ensure equal opportunities, protection of justifys and full participation in society for PWDs, in consonance with the principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution. India is also a signatory to the UN Convention on the justifys for Persons with Disabilities. Thus, provision of appropriate measures for employees with disabilities is the responsibility of the Union Government.

The Commission has made various recommendations regarding PWDs at different places in the report. They are consolidated here for ready reference:
i. In recognition of the singular responsibility faced by differently abled women in raising their children, the Special Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disabilities has been enhanced from the present rate of ₹1,500 pm to ₹3,000 pm

ii. Transport Allowance at double the normal rate has been retained, and the minimum amount has been increased from ₹1,000 pm to ₹2,250 pm

iii. Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy have been kept at double rate for differently abled children

iv. Constant Attendance Allowance has been enhanced from ₹4,500 pm to ₹6,750 pm

v. Special Disability Leave has been subsumed in Work Related Illness and Injury Leave (WRIIL), with improved provisions

vi. Educational Concession, hitherto available only to the children of Defence personnel killed/missing/disabled in action, has been extended to similarly placed personnel of CAPFs, Indian Coast Guard, RPF and police forces of Union Territories mutatis mutandis.

Besides the above recommendations, there are a few suggestions that can go a long way in improving the working environment for these employees:

i. In our interactions, it has been highlighted that easy access, particularly to toilets, remains an issue of concern. Hence, it is suggested that Guidelines and Space Standard for Barrier Free Built Environment for Disabled and Elderly Persons, issued by CPWD, Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment, should invariably be followed while designing new government premises. Their application in the existing offices may also be explored.

ii. Every ministry should have a Welfare Committee, with due representation of differently abled employees, to address their concerns.

iii. The grievance redressal machinery should be strengthened and made more effective

Bunching benefit in Pay fixation is recommended by 7th pay commission in some situation

Bunching benefit in Pay fixation is recommended by 7th pay commission in some situation

7th Pay commission in its report stated at page 79 entitled Entry Pay, that,” Although the rationalization has been done with utmost care to ensure minimum bunching at most levels, however if situation does arise whenever more than two stages are bunched together, one additional increment equal to 3 percent may be given for every two stages bunched, and pay fixed in the subsequent cell in the pay matrix.

For instance, if two persons drawing pay of ₹53,000 and ₹54,590 in the GP 10000 are to be fitted in the new pay matrix…

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