Expected DA Jan 2015 – Easy Calculation Instant Chart with input of AICPIN
Once upon a time, Dearness Allowance calculation method and formula was very difficult for Central Government employees and Pensioners. And, some of few administrative staff and employees only to predict the Dearness allowance and Dearness Relief before the authentic announcement of Cabinet Committee with the help of calculation formula. ‘Swamy’s News’ books, one of the fantastic way to know the increasing in DA and DR for all. Even the publication releasing the book by monthly edition, more than three decades ‘Monopolize’ news magazine among Central Government employees. Still every unionist is getting knowledge on service matters through these publication books continues.
Expected DA and DR from Jan 2015
We need six months of AICPIN for getting actual percentage of additional DA and DR. Even though we had three months indices, we can say the 6% of hike from Jan 2015. This DA and DR hike is the second installment of this year and two more installments are balance in the tenure of 6th Pay Commission and from 1.1.2016 we may get the DA and DR as per the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission.
Nobody to declare the percentage of hike in Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief before releasing the CPI (IW) for six months. But, we can predict by the using of simple calculators with the input of CPI(IW) index in the required places. We are introducing the simple calculator with input of your own predicted AICPIN for the balance months.
Click to view the ‘Expected DA Instant Chart‘
Source : www.7thpaycommissionnews.in