Sunday, 8 February 2015

7th Pay Commission - MHA for pay on par with Army for paramilitary forces

MHA for pay on par with Army for paramilitary forces in 7th CPC

MHA for pay on par with Army for paramilitary forces

In a move that will benefit over nine lakh paramilitary personnel, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has proposed to the Seventh Pay Commission a “special pay” on par with the Army and has also batted for a better leave structure for the personnel who are deployed for counter-insurgency operations across the country. If MHA’s proposal to give extra allowance to the Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) personnel is accepted, a constable will be richer by at least Rs 48,000 per annum.

The Seventh pay Commission was constituted by the UPA government in February 2014, just before they went out of power. The MHA has also proposed creation of the post of a “head constable” in every section (roughly comprising 11 personnel) for better promotion opportunity.

“A standard company of any paramilitary generally consists of 100 personnel, which has nine sections. Presently there are only two head constables (HC) per section and if the MHA’s proposal is accepted, one more post of HC will be added,” said a senior official.

The Seventh Pay Commission will revise the salaries of over 50 lakh central government employees and remuneration of 30 lakh pensioners. The Sixth Pay Commission that was set up in 2006 cost the exchequer an additional Rs 26,035 crore.


AIRF getting ready for oral evidence before 7th Pay Commission – Meeting from March 2015

AIRF is getting ready for oral evidence before 7th Pay Commission – Meeting is likely to start from March 2015

Preparations for oral evidence before Seventh Central Pay Commission

All India Railwaymen’s Federation


Dated: February 5, 2015

The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,

Dear Comrades,

Sub: Preparations for oral evidence before Seventh Central Pay Commission

You are aware that the schedule of holding hearings by the VII CPC may appear on any day, and oral evidence is likely to commence from March 2015.

We must prepare ourselves for oral evidences as was produced before the previous Pay Commissions.

During VI CPC hearing, following 15 groups were formed:-

(i) Loco & Traffic Running Staff, including Supervisory and Inspectorial Cadres
(ii) Technicians of all departments
(iii) Signal, Telecommunication, Electrical & Mechanical Departments
(iv) Technical Supervisors of all departments.
(v) Transportation(Operating Staff), including Controllers and Station Managers
(vi) Accounts, EDP, Cashiers etc.
(vii) Stores Department and Printing Press Staff
(viii) Trackmen, Patrolmen, Gatemen, Trolleymen, Keymen, Mate and P. Way Supervisors
(ix) Production Units, Workshops and Scientific Staff
(x) Works, Bridge and Track Machines
(xi) Commercial Staff
(xii) Health & Medical Staff
(xiii) Legal, School, Canteen Staff, RDSO and Other Misc. Staff
(xiv) Ministerial Staff, viz. Stenographers, Rajbhasha/Official Language, Publicity Inspector etc.(xv) General Issues, including working conditions, job hazards, career growth, allowances etc.(other than those mentioned in the NC/JCM Memorandum) represented by the leaders of the AIRF.

In addition to above, for the first time, Women Employees’ Group was also given patient hearing separately by the VI CPC on special efforts of the AIRF.

Every Zonal Railway Union must decide one representative for each group, having outstanding ability and dedication as also deep overall knowledge of the departments of the concerned group.

One representative from each of the affiliated unions in the Production Units/Metro Railway Kolkata and RDSO for overall evidence in the same spirit.

Representatives, so decided, be guided to go through the memorandum of the AIRF submitted to VII CPC as also technological and system changes added in the railway system in various departments.

Video Clippings/PowerPoint Presentations of intricate posture workings, sophisticated works, locomotives, coaches, wagons, bridges, maintenance depots, sheds, yards, traction, RRIs etc. be also compiled for the presentation besides preparation to reflect human input in performing particular job content. Write-ups should be very brief and pointed so as to complete the evidence within maximum 10 minutes.

Like past, “Internal Meetings” of the AIRF will be managed one-day in advance of the hearing of the particular groups at the respective places, which will be communicated, once schedule of the hearings is finalized by the Pay Commission, and the names of the representatives to appear for the evidence will be decided after Internal Meeting, based on the limitation of the Pay Commission.

Hoping your due attention.

Yours faithfully


NFIR insists to 7th Pay Commission for a meeting to discuss on its memorandum

NFIR insists to 7th Pay Commission to arrange a meeting to discuss on its memorandum

NFIR writes a letter to the Chairman of 7th Central Pay Commission to fix a inter-action meeting on its memorandum. The letter is reproduced below…

Interaction Meeting with Seventh Central Pay Commission on NFIR’s Memorandum

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen


Dated: 05/02/2015

The Chairman,
Seventh Central Pay Commission,
Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan,
IIFT, Block B (B-14/A),
Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi 110016
(Post Box No. 4599-Hauz Khas P.O)

Dear Sir,
Sub: Inter-action meeting with the Seventh Central Pay Commission on NFIR’s memorandum-reg.
Ref: NFIR’s letter No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/CORRES/Pt. V dated 02/08/2014.

Federation vide its letter dated 02/08/2014, addressed to the Secretary, Seventh Central Pay Commission had made following suggestions with regard to holding interaction meetings:

a) Inter-action meetings may be fixed giving us reasonable advance intimation to enable us to reschedule our other programmes,

b) Meeting/hearing may be fixed department wise to facilitate us to meet the Pay Commission along with the representatives of the conccrned department/category.

c) In the Railways, there are eight major departments with hundreds of categories. Eight different dates for explaining our case may kindly be considered.

d) Inter-action meetings may also be convened for explaining the case of miscellaneous and isolated categories in Railways.

e) Separate date and time be provided to facilitate the NFIR to explain uniqueness of railways as well unique nature of duties of railway employee in general.

Federation is yet to receive response from the Seventh Central Pay Commission.

In this connection, NFIR desires to mention that the 6th CPC had allotted a total time of 28 hours to us in different spells/different dates to explain the case of Railway employees belonging to various categories in different departments. Federation trusts that similar time slots would be provided to us by the 7th CPC as well.

NFIR. therefore, once again requests the Hon’ble Chairman Seventh Central Pay Commission to arrange to allot adequate time slots and convey to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

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