Sunday, 23 November 2014

Whether 7th Pay Commission proposes to submit Interim Report?

Whether 7th Pay Commission proposes to submit Interim Report?

Is Interim Relief Likely for Central Government Employees?

Is it really possible for Central Government employees to get an interim relief this time? Let us look at it in detail.

‘Interim Relief’ may be defined as the temporary relief given to employees before the new Pay Commission’s recommendations are implemented. ‘Interim relief will be treated sui generis’, most of the Finance Ministry orders included the sentence when sanctioning interim relief.

If one looks at the interim relief granted in 1983 and 1993, it can also be inferred that interim relief is granted in order to correct the errors in salary revision once every ten years. One gets the feeling as if an entire Pay Commission was lost simply for the sake of a small hike.

During the previous Pay Commission, particularly in 5th CPC, since 50% DA Merger was granted, there was no interim relief.

Here are some of the reasons why interim relief is normally granted :
* It has been granted a number of times before, in the past.
* DA Merger hasn’t been sanctioned this time
* Prices have touched the skies
* Some errors in the formulation of once-in-a-decade Pay Commission…etc.,

Reasons cited for the Government’s refusal to sanction DA Merger/interim relief:
* 7th Pay Commission was constituted at the justify time.
* There was no recommendation for DA Merger in the 6th Pay Commission
* There was a recommendation against DA merger in the 6th Pay Commission (the Commission is, therefore, not recommending merger of dearness allowance with basic pay at any stage).
* In the event that the Price Index is taken as 115.76 instead of 306.33 for the DA calculations.

All the Central Government Employees Unions and Federations are functioning with the intention of getting the DA merged with the basic pay. If that doesn’t happen, these federations are hoping that interim relief will be offered through the 7th Pay Commission’s interim report.

This is very much possible if Modi Government is willing to accept the demand.

And one more updation on this issue, Member of Parliament Shri.Shantaram Naik asked some questions about the 7th Pay Commission including submission of interim report as follows…


7th Pay Commission
230. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the Minister of 
FINANCE be pleased to state:

(a) the details of meetings, the 7th Pay Commission has taken so far and the items/ issues discussed till date;

(b) the States, visited, by the Commission if any till date and the States which the Commission proposes to visit;

(c) whether the Commission proposes to take the views of the State Governments as regards their pay-scales since invariably, most of the States adopt the Central Pay Commission reports;

(d) whether Commission proposes to submit any interim report;

(e) whether the Commission proposes to make any recommendations to bring in financial transparency; and

(f) if so, the details thereof?

The written answers of above said questions will be available on or after 25th November 2014.

Whether 7th Pay Commission proposes to submit Interim Report?

Whether 7th Pay Commission proposes to submit Interim Report?

Is Interim Relief Likely for Central Government Employees?

Is it really possible for Central Government employees to get an interim relief this time? Let us look at it in detail.

‘Interim Relief’ may be defined as the temporary relief given to employees before the new Pay Commission’s recommendations are implemented. ‘Interim relief will be treated sui generis’, most of the Finance Ministry orders included the sentence when sanctioning interim relief.

If one looks at the interim relief granted in 1983 and 1993, it can also be inferred that interim relief is granted in order to correct the errors in salary revision once every ten years. One gets the feeling as if an entire Pay Commission was lost simply for the sake of a small hike.

During the previous Pay Commission, particularly in 5th CPC, since 50% DA Merger was granted, there was no interim relief.

Here are some of the reasons why interim relief is normally granted :
* It has been granted a number of times before, in the past.
* DA Merger hasn’t been sanctioned this time
* Prices have touched the skies
* Some errors in the formulation of once-in-a-decade Pay Commission…etc.,

Reasons cited for the Government’s refusal to sanction DA Merger/interim relief:
* 7th Pay Commission was constituted at the justify time.
* There was no recommendation for DA Merger in the 6th Pay Commission
* There was a recommendation against DA merger in the 6th Pay Commission (the Commission is, therefore, not recommending merger of dearness allowance with basic pay at any stage).
* In the event that the Price Index is taken as 115.76 instead of 306.33 for the DA calculations.

All the Central Government Employees Unions and Federations are functioning with the intention of getting the DA merged with the basic pay. If that doesn’t happen, these federations are hoping that interim relief will be offered through the 7th Pay Commission’s interim report.

This is very much possible if Modi Government is willing to accept the demand.

And one more updation on this issue, Member of Parliament Shri.Shantaram Naik asked some questions about the 7th Pay Commission including submission of interim report as follows…


7th Pay Commission
230. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the Minister of 
FINANCE be pleased to state:

(a) the details of meetings, the 7th Pay Commission has taken so far and the items/ issues discussed till date;

(b) the States, visited, by the Commission if any till date and the States which the Commission proposes to visit;

(c) whether the Commission proposes to take the views of the State Governments as regards their pay-scales since invariably, most of the States adopt the Central Pay Commission reports;

(d) whether Commission proposes to submit any interim report;

(e) whether the Commission proposes to make any recommendations to bring in financial transparency; and

(f) if so, the details thereof?

The written answers of above said questions will be available on or after 25th November 2014.

Important issues of DA Merger and Interim Relief to be discussed in the National Convention of NC JCM Meeting which will be held on 11.12.2014 – INDWF Circular

Important issues of DA Merger and Interim Relief to be discussed in the National Convention of NC JCM Meeting which will be held on 11.12.2014 – INDWF Circular



Date : 17.11.2014

All Office Bearers and Working Committee Members,

Sub: Holding of National Convention of the National Council (JCM) Staff Side – reg.
Ref: National Council (JCM) Staff Side circular No.NC.JCM/2014/SC Dated 25.10.2014

Dear Colleagues,
National Council (Staff Side) JCM for Central Government employees demanded and submitted a memorandum on Interim Relief and Merger of DA to the 7th CPC and also to the Ministry of Fiance. A reply has been received by the Secretary (Staff Side) National Council (JCM) from Ministry of Finance which is indicative of a refusal of both the demands. The 7th CPC have so far not communicated to us the decision they have taken on the memorandum submitted by the Staff Side, National Council (JCM).

The NDA Government has adopted the same plea made by the UPA II Government to reject our demands.

From the steps so far taken by the BJP Government, it is unambiguous that they would be pursuing the neo-liberal economic policies with much more intensity than even the UPA Government. Having got a clear majority in the Parliament, they would be able to push through necessary legislations to pursue reforms. The outsourcing of Railway functions, privatisation/Corporatisation of Defence manufacturing units, increased FDI inflow in various core sectors of economy, dismantling of the administrative price mechanism, de-nationalisation efforts in the Banking, Insurance and coal sectors and above all the adherence to New Contributory Pension Scheme are some of the bold anti-workers steps taken by the New Government.

The National Council (Staff Side) when they met during October, 2014 at New Delhi it was unanimous opinion to pursue the issues through organizational methods. Accordingly, it was decided to hold a NATIONAL CONVENTION, eliciting the participation of the representatives of all Service organisations participating in the JCM to discuss the emerging situation and decide upon future course of action. Incidentally, we must mention that the JCM conceived as a negotiating forum has been made in-effective by the Government over the years by not convening its meetings periodically.

It was decided that the National Council Convention will be held at
Venue : MPCU Shah Auditorium, Sree Gujarati Samaj, Raj Niwas Road, Civil lines (Opposite Civil lines Metro Station), Delhi
Date : 11th December, 2014 from 12 noon to 16oo hrs.
150 Delegates from Defence Federations (INDWF and AIDEF) are permitted to participate.

Around 75 Delegates from INDWF have to participate and therefore all the Office Bearers and Working Committee members are invited to participate in the convention. Those who are participating are required to intimate to the undersigned so that the Delegate Passes/Badges on their names will be arranged to participate in the convention.

Treat this as an important matter which will decide the issues of 7th CPC (merger of DA and IR) as well as present trend of the New Government on the future of Central Government Employees particulars about Defence Civilian Employees.

Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary

Source: INDWF

Acceptance of Digital Life Certificate based on Aadhaar Biometric Authentication as a valid life certificate

Acceptance of Digital Life Certificate based on Aadhaar Biometric Authentication as a valid life certificate

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot II, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi 110 066


dated: 14.11.2014


Reference is invited to Correction Slip No.12 dated-10.11.2014 issued to facilitate acceptance of digital life certificate based on Aadhaar Biometric Authentication. The detailed process off getting digital life certificate issued for pensioners to be followed by banks and pensioners is hereby enclosed for necessary guidance.

2 This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Encl: 1. Correction Slip No.22 dated-10.11.2014 [see below]
2. Process of digital life certificate issued for Pensioners.

(Vijay Singh)
Sr. Accounts Officer (Tech)

Heads of CPPC of all banks
Heads of Government Business Division of all banks

Correction Slip -22

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot II. Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi 110066


dated: 10.11.2014

Amendment to the Scheme for Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Authorized Banks (Fourth Edition. 3rd December, 2004)

Correction Slip -22

Addition under Part 15.2 as S.No. (xiii)
(xiii) A life Certificate issued online by a Government Agency as a result of Aadhaar Biometric Authentication will also be accepted as a valid certificate. This document may be accessed through a Website (to be notified separately) by the Pension Disbursing Agency without insisting either on personal appearance of the pensioner or Life certificate by the competent authority referred above.

(Vijay Singh)
Sr. Accounts Officer (Tech)

Authority- Approval of Controller General of Accounts in file No. 1(7) /CPAO Scheme Booklet/ 4th Edition/2005/TA on date 10.11.2014.

Click here to view the original orders

Income Tax exemption limit may raise further – Finance Minister

Income Tax exemption may raise further – Finance Minister

May raise tax exemption limit further: Arun Jaitley
NEW DELHI: Finance minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday said that he does not favour burdening the salaried and middle-class with more taxes but would go after the evaders in widening the net.
In fact, he would encourage more money being put in the pockets of tax payers that will lead to spending and collection of more indirect taxes.
“This widening of the tax base. What does it mean? I pay the same indirect tax as my attendant. Our volume of consumption may be different. So everybody is paying indirect taxes.

Read full story…

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