Friday, 19 September 2014

“Pay Taxes with Fine” – Notice to Government Employees

“Pay Taxes with Fine” – Notice to Government Employees

Since the amount deducted from the government employees was not transferred to the Income Tax department properly, the government has now sent notices to employees to pay income taxes with penalty. Not surprisingly, the government employees are not happy about it.

Employees with annual salary of more than Rs. 2 lakhs have to pay income tax. After the formation of the new government at the Centre, headed by Narendra Modi, the amount was raised to Rs. 2.5 lakhs.

The time duration for paying taxes for last year’s income ended in July this year. Everyone, including salaried persons, businessmen, industries, and individuals, was busy filing up the tax returns and submitting them. Government employees’ taxes were deducted from their salaries each month. But the amount that was deducted from the salaries was not transferred from the state treasuries and audit offices to the Income Tax Department. Those who had filed their I-T returns received notices from the I-T Department that their taxes were not paid and that they will have to immediately pay the due amounts with penalties.

Employees of many departments, including the Income Tax Department, continue to receive these notices.

“Why are we being asked to pay the penalty if the State Governments didn’t transfer the deducted amount to the I-T department?” complain the government employees.

“The Government has already deducted taxes from our salaries. It is the Government’s job to hand the money over to the I-T department. We are not going to pay the penalty,” is the reply from many of the employees to the notice.

An officer of the state treasury said, “The amount deducted as income tax is being sent to the I-T department in parts. The government employees need not panic.”

“If the deducted amount is transferred regularly, then such troubles wouldn’t come at all. We hope the State Governments ensure that such blunders don’t happen in future,” the government employees say.


Railway Board DA Order – Revised rates effective from 01.07.2014

Railway Board issued orders for the payment of Dearness allowance to its employees with effect from 1st July 2014 enhanced from 100% to 107%…

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)


RBE No. 102/2014

New Delhi, dated 19.09.2014

No. PC-VI/2008/1/7/2/1
The GMs/CAO(R),
All Zonal Railways & Production Units,
(as per mailing list)

Sub: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Railway employees — Revised rates effective from 01.07.2014.

Please refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 28.03.2014 (S.No. PC-VI/333, RBE No.32/2014) on the subject mentioned above. The President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Railway employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 100%to 107% with effect from 1st July, 2014.

2. The provisions contained in Paras 3, 4 & 5 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 09.09.2008 (S.No. PC-VI/3, RBE No. 106/2008) shall Continue to be applicable while regulating Dearness Allowance under these orders.

3. The additional installment of Dearness Allowance payable under these orders shall be paid in cash to all railway employees. The arrears may be charged to the salary bill and no honorarium is payable for preparing separate bill for this purpose.

4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(Vikram Gulati)
Director, Pay Commission-II
Railway Board.

Download the original Railway DA order

Source: AIRF

Wage Revision Negotiations details from INBEF

Indian National Bank Employees’ Federation published detailed discussion outcome of the meeting held on 17.9.2014…

Indian National Bank Employees’ Federation
(A Banking Wing of INTUC)

C.O. : 2202 9887
M.M.O.: 2265 2688 FAX : 2288 4783 E-mail: Bajaj Bhawan, 1st Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai

CIR/INBEF/GS/SSS/2014/13 18th September, 2014

Dear Friends,


The representatives of UFBU met at 11.00 a.m. to discuss and decide the strategies to be adopted in the negotiations with IBA. It was decided that along with the percentage increase in its offer, other important issues like regulated working hours, 5-day week, and improvements in pension related matters should be raised simultaneously.

In the IBA meeting, Sri Bhasin, who was the Negotiating Committee Chairman till the last meeting and now elected as Chairman of IBA introduced the newly constituted Negotiating Team of IBA under the leadership of Sri Rajeev Rishi, the newly appointed Chairman of Negotiating Committee. Subsequent to brief introduction and completion of formalities, before commencement of negotiations on wage revision, UFBU raised the following issues:

Compassionate Appointment Scheme: While thanking the IBA for its efforts and being instrumental in getting clearance of the Government for introduction of Compassionate Appointment Scheme on the lines available to Central Government employees, UFBU sought clarifications on issues like eligibility, applicability with regard to death cases prior to 05.08.2014, etc., to which IBA conveyed that the matter would be referred to Government and necessary clarifications will be issued on receipt of their advices;

Accounts to be opened under Jan Dhan Yojana: While appreciating and extending the support of UFBU to the initiatives taken by the Government towards extension of banking facility to all the people in the Country, UFBU expressed the following apprehensions:

The compromises on KYC norms may lead to opening of fraudulent accounts for which employees should not be held accountable;

The pressure due to the targets stipulated for opening of accounts are greatly affecting the regular banking activities and services to existing customers; Due to the stipulation on timings for opening of accounts from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., employees are forced to work beyond their working hours and are also under severe stress to achieve the stipulated target.

During the negotiations, IBA informed that the UFBU’s demand of 25% increase in pay slip components is on high side and beyond the paying capacity of banks and insisted that UFBU should review its demand, to which UFBU responded as under:
IBA should substantially revise its offer of increase in pay slip components;
The other important issues like regulated working hours, 5-day banking, improvements in pension related matters, etc. should be discussed simultaneously and in a time-bound manner;
The meetings on negotiation have to be held regularly at frequent intervals ensuring expeditious settlement;
UFBU will have flexibility in its demand depending upon the response of IBA on all the above matters.

IBA assured us to schedule the next round of meeting within one week to discuss comprehensively on all the issues. Comrades – every effort is being made by UFBU not only for expeditious conclusion but also for a respectable Tenth Bipartite Wage Settlement. Let us continue to maintain our unity which would strengthen us in achieving our goals.

Further developments will be advised in due course.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely
Subhash S.Sawant
General Secretary

Source: INBEF

New Decision in Email Services

New Decision in Email Services

Due to security concerns, the Government is planning to ban the use of email service providers like Gmail and Yahoo by crucial and important departments for official email correspondences.

According to information available, the Ministry of Information and Technology has presented its recommendations and findings to the Centre. Instead of these service providers, the Ministry is planning to switch to the National Information Centre’s exclusive email services, for exchanging information. According to the inner circles, the Government is giving serious thoughts about this following an increase in cyber crimes and hacking.

Source: CG Staff News

Purchase of Lap-Top Computer by Ministries/ Departments – Finance Ministry Orders

Finance Ministry issued revised guidelines regarding purchase of Note Book/Lap-Top, notepad, ultra pad, netbook or devices for higher officials…

F. No. 8(25)/2012-EII (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, the 19th September, 2014


Subiect: Purchase of Note Book, Lap-Top, etc., by Ministries/ Departments – revision of guidelines reg.

In supersession to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum bearing nos. 1(15)/E.II(A)/2009 dated 26th May 2009 and 14th May 2012 regarding purchase of Note Book/Lap-Top computers by Ministries/Departments and delegation of powers thereof. it has been decided that lap-top; tablet; notepad; ultra-book; notebook, net-book or devices of similar categories may be issued to officers of the rank of Deputy Secretary/equivalent and above for discharge of official work. These powers shall continue to be exercised by the Secretary of the Ministry/Department concerned in consultation with the Financial Adviser. It would be the prerogative of the Administrative Secretary to decide on the nature of gadget to be issued to the eligible officers.

2. This would, however. be subject to the following conditions:

i. Cost of the device, including standard software should not exceed Rs. 70,000/-

ii. Purchase procedures prescribed under GFRs/CVC guidelines may be followed.

iii. The officer who is given the device, shall be personally responsible for its safety and security, which shall continue to remain Government property. In case of its loss, cost will be recovered from the officer based on the book value of the device. The officer concerned will be at liberty to get the device insured at his personal cost.

iv. Only one device may be issued to an entitled officer. The officer will have the option to retain the device after four years by paying 10% of the original cost.

v. For the purpose of calculation of the book value, a depreciation of 25% per year, on reducing balance. be adopted.

vi. No new device may be sanctioned to an officer, who has already been allotted a device, in a Ministry/Department, up to four years or till the fitness of such device is certified by NIC of that Ministry/Department, whichever is later. Upon the transfer of the officer to another Ministry/Department of the Government of India, he may exercise the option of carrying this device to his new posting with the approval of the Administrative Secretary. No new device may be issued to a new incumbent if the device is returned by his predecessor upon his transfer from that Ministry/Department. except when such device has completed the stipulated period of four years or its useful lifespan, whichever is later.

vii. Disposal of the gadgets may be as per extant norms prescribed for e-waste disposal.

3. This issues with the approval of Secretary Expenditure

(Anil Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Government of India



ALL INDIA PROTEST DAY – AIRF organize a countrywide protest on 19.09.2014

AIRF organize a countrywide “Jan Jagran Abhiyan” from 3rd to 18 Sept, 2014 in all over Indian Railway by AIRF affiliates and on 19th Sept, 2014 the countrywide “All India Protest Day”…

Press Release of AIRF on the eve of” ALL INDIA PROTEST DAY ON 19.09.2014″.



New Delhi,18 Sept4 2014

Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, All India Railwaymen’s Federation said that inspite of the continuous negotiation with the Government of India & Railway Ministry, the genuine pending demands of the Ratiwaymen has not so far been resolved & lying as unattended.

Shri. Mishra further said that the 36 points charter of demands was discussed in the Central Council Meeting of AIRF on 3-4 July 2014 at and also on Working committee Meeting of AIRF held on 25-26 Aug, 2014 at Nanital, where the serious concern over the 36 point Charter of demand were engaged the attention of all members. The major demands are as regards- Scrapping New Pension Scheme, Filing up of the lakh of the Vacancies in Railways, Stop privatization & contractization in Railways, Removal of the ceiling limit of Rs. 3500/- for calculation of the Productivity Linked Bonus, Removal of anomalies of VI CPC, Merger of Dearness Allowances, Interim Relief not yet granted although, the demand were raised in JCM
forum, Redressai of pending problems of Running staff, stop Anti labour amendment in the various labour laws such as I.D Act. Factory Act, and Apprentice Act etc, Employment of ward of Railway employees.  Exemption limit on Income Tax be raised to Rs. 5 Lakh, Provision of basic amentias to the women workers at their work place etc,

Shri Mishra further mentioned that there is great resentment amongst the Railway Workers on the account of the unattended charter of demands in general and FDI, PPP in particular. The FDI, will definitely not be beneficial to the Indian Railway system and the Government decision is aimed to divide the activities of Railway into two different mode of functioning and hand it over to Multi National Private Companies through this dis-investmeflt & Privatization.

The Anti labour attitude of the Railway Ministry & Govt. of India has compelled us to organize a countrywide “Jan Jagran Abhiyan” from 3rd to 18 Sept, 2014 in all over Indian Railway by AIRF affiliates and on 19th Sept, 2014 the countrywide “All India Protest Day” wifl be organized in front of All the Administrative Officers of Zonal Railway, workshop, Production units, station etc,. if the genuine demands of the Railwaymen are not addressed properly by the Govt of India and Railway Ministry, the Railway employee will be compelled to March for indefinite Strike as done in the past in year of 1974 for which Govt. of India / Railway Ministry will be responsible.


For General Secretary

Source: AIRF

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