Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Order for Merger of 50% DA, Retirement age news goes viral in Social Media

Order for Merger of 50% DA, Retirement age news goes viral in Social Media

Recently rumour mill went overdrive in social media with the following news that

    1.central government decided to Merge 50% DA with basic pay with effect from 1.1.2015 and order will be issued within 15 days

    2.Encashment of Earned Leave to be curtailed to 180days instead of existing 300 days.

    3.It went on to say that age of Retirement will be on completion of 33 Years of service or at the age of 58 Years whichever is earlier

According to the Social Media , the above strong decisions were taken in last three meeting of cabinet committee to recommend 7th pay commission. Further the post published in social media warned the central government employees that if above decisions are implemented; they should not expect more from 7th Pay Commission. Since it is considered to be the indication of what the think tank of central government will do for its employees.

We enquired about this rumour with one of the Member to the National council JCM, who recently met the 7th Pay Commission. According to him, the central government has firm on its decision not to accept the Merger of DA with Pay, since the due date of the 7th Pay Commission to submit its recommendation is nearing and the central government in many occasions cleared that the recommendation of 7th pay commission will be implemented from 1.1.2016. So there is no question of issuing order for merger of 50% DA with effect from 1.1.2015.

Further he clarified that the present government wanted to use the man-hours of central government employees productively by introducing new systems like bio metric attendance etc. Hence curtailing EL Encashment will lead the central government employees to take more leave if it is not allowed for encashment. So there is no need to implement such proposal as government point of view is against taking leave by Govt officials.

There is mixed response from the sources whether the retirement age of central government employees will be revised or not. It is believed that the present government is in favour of reducing retirement age to 58. But at the same time government doesn’t want loose resources of knowledge gained through experience by reducing retirement age of Government employees. Since the work culture of government service is deteriorating day by day due to various factors , govt would like to retain the experience of the senior Government officials . Anubhav is the one of the initiative introduced by the central government to improve the work culture of youngsters in government service. So there will not be any change in retirement age of central government employees at present.


Depending upon the weight-age fitment formula may range from 2.72 times to 3.72 in 7th Pay Commissionion

Depending upon the weight-age fitment formula may range from 2.72 times to 3.72 in 7th Pay Commission

“Depending on the weightage fitment formula may range from 2.72 times to 3.72“

“The Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended a minimum wage of Rs 6600/- per month against the demand of Rs 10,000/- per month as worked out by Staff side of JCM, Today the minimum need based wage works out to Rs 26,000/ per month.”

Minimum Wage of Rs 26,000/- Justified and Fitment formula


You can get any price of any article using the Query option.

The prices of many items provided by the Staff side JCM are lower than the retail prices provided by the Government agency . Hence the Minimum wage of Rs 20,000/- is justified for the erstwhile Group “D” with effect from 1/1/15 using Dr Aykroyd formula . After weightage of 25% for Group “C” it works out to Rs 26,000/- .

Please click here for Minimum Wage Caluation Sheet

The fitment formula may range from 2.72 times to 3.72 depending upon the weightage.

The Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended a minimum wage of Rs 6600/- per month against the demand of Rs 10,000/- per month as worked out by Staff side of JCM, Today the minimum need based wage works out to Rs 26,000/ per month.

Comradely yours

(P.S. Prasad)
General Secretary

More than 50000 CG employees assembled at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on 28th November 2015 – All India Audit Association

More than 50000 CG employees assembled at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on 28th November 2015 – All India Audit Association

CIRCULAR – 12/2015

15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012
Ph: 0120-2881727/0 – 98681 45667
E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com
Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com

Reference: AIA/Circular- 12/2015

Dated: 3rd May 2015

Unit Secretaries,
Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &
Members of Women’s Committee

Dear Comrades,


More than 50000 Central Government employees assembled at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on 28th November 2015 declared in one voice that if the 10 point charter of demands that includes statutory pension for all and revival of all forums under JCM are not negotiated and settled in a time bound manner, the 30-lakh strong central government employees – including Railway and Defence workers – would be compelled to commence indefinite strike from 23rd November 2015.

The rally adopted a resolution moved by Com KKN Kutty, President of Confederation on behalf of the National Joint Council of Action listing the grievances of the employees and also pointing out the disastrous policies accelerated by the present day government.

Every speaker from each of the constituent organisation spoke about perilous impact of the policies of the government in their sector and committed their resolve to ensure the success of the indefinite strike from 23rd November 2015. (Railway and Defence Federations have to conduct strike ballot before embarking upon any industrial action, as per the Industrial dispute act under which they are recognised.)

The resolution adopted by the rally is enclosed with this Circular.


Delhi police refused permission to us to hold demonstration before CAG office citing the ongoing Parliament session and proposed that we hold the programme at Jantar Mantar. Instead we chose to hold the demonstration at the DGACR premises on 29th April 2015.

More than 200 comrades from stations participated in the demonstration on 29th April and more than 10000 (ten thousand) signatures were collected from the personnel of IA&AD across the country. The demonstration at DGACR was addressed by Com M Duraipandian, President, V Nageswara Rao and KL Gautam, both Addl Secretary General, Com Subhash Pandey, Vice President in addition to the Secretary General. Com Anilkumar, Asstt Secretary General and Gen. Secretary, Civil Audit Association, Delhi welcomed all the comrades while Com Veer Singh, President, CAA, Delhi offered vote of thanks.

A delegation comprising of Coms M Duraipandian, MS Raja, Subhash Pandey, KL Gautam, Nageswara Rao, V Sreekumar and Anilkumar met DG/Personnel and submitted the petition addressed to the CAG. There was a detailed discussion following the submission of the petition and we insisted that the grievances listed therein be addressed. The issue of vicitmisations at various units was also taken up. DG/P assured to attend to the pressing issues and do her best to resolve them.


More than 5 lakhs postal workers would be going on indefinite strike from 6th May 2015 under the banner of Postal JCA, comprising of NFPE and FNPO, demanding roll back of the move to corporatise and privatise postal services, bringing GDS under the ambit of 7 CPC, implementation of cadre restructuring agreement etc. Confederation Sectt that met on 28th April 2015 decided to manifest solidarity with the strike of postal comrades.

Our units are requested to hold lunch hour demonstration and take out rally to the post offices in support of the strike. All the units may also implement the decisions of the local COC in this regard.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally

Secretary General

Source: auditflag.blogspot.in

Direct Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants in the Department of Posts

Probation and / or confirmation of Direct Recruit Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants in the Department of Posts

G.I., Dept. of Posts, O.M.No. 37-47/2010-SPB-I, dated 16.4.2015

Subject: Probation and / or confirmation of Direct Recruit Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants in the Department of Posts – reg.

Sir / Madam,
I am directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and to say that the issue of probation and / or confirmation of the Direct Recruit Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants (PAs/SAs) has been engaging the attention of the Department for some time. It is indicated that presently on their appointment, such PAs/SAs are imparted induction training and they have to pass the prescribed tests during the said training.

2. Currently, such Direct Recruit PAs/SAs undergo institutional training of upto 48 days at the Postal Training Centres (PTCs). They have to obtain at least 60% marks in the tests in order to come out of training successfully. If any PA/ SA fails to obtain 60% marks, he/she is retained in the PTC for re-training for 2 weeks and undergoes two tests (one each week). Despite retraining, if such PA/SA still does not obtain 60% marks, suitable adverse notice is taken against him/her.

3. The matter has been revisited by the Department in consultation with the Department of Personnel”& Training (DOP&T). At the outset, it is emphasized that the tests, which the Direct Recruit PAs/SAs undergo while on training, need to be closely monitored and it should be ensured that only those PAs/SAs who obtain required marks in the tests may be declared to have satisfactorily completed the probation period and confirmed ‘in service, provided such PA/SA has also performed/acted satisfactorily during the probation period. As per the Recruitment Rules of PA/SA issued by the Department of Posts, the Direct Recruit PAS/SAs are confirmed in service by a Departmental Confirmation Committee (DCC) and pending confirmation, they remain on probation and their services are governed by CCS (Temporary Service), Rules, 1965.

4. Besides above, following points may be kept in view by the PTCs and the Circles while considering the confirmation of such Direct Recruit PAs/SAs, who are on probation:

(1) Direct Recruit PAs/SAs (on probation) who fail in the tests held in PTCs:-

(a) If any Direct Recruit PAs/SAs (on probation) is unable to clear the tests in the first attempt, he/she may be given two more chances to pass the tests. These three chances (including first chance during training) may be held/conducted within the two-year mandatory probation period. In the interregnum, such PA/SA may be posted temporarily to a Post Office/RMS office against a non-sensitive post.

(b) Before the third chance is given to a PA/SA, who has failed in two attempts, he/she may be given a written warning to the effect that his/her failure in mandatory tests does not justify his/her confirmation in the Service and that, unless he/she showed substantial improvement within a specified period and clears the test, the issue of terminating him from service will be considered.

(c) If any PA/SA is still unable to clear the Tests in three attempts within two years, the probation period in his/her case will be extended by six months during which time he/she shall have to mandatorily pass the tests. For such PAS/SAs, whose probation period has been extended by six months due to failure to pass the tests, a qualifying test will also be introduced which will be in addition to the existing tests. The modalities of such qualifying test will be prepared/finalized by the Training Division of the Postal Directorate.

(d) In case he/she passes the required tests and qualifying test and has also acted/performed satisfactorily during the entire period of probation including extension also, he/she may be declared to have successfully completed the probation period and may be confirmed in service by the DCC.

(e) If a PA/SA again fails in the tests and/or does not pass the qualifying test, the services of such temporary Direct Recruit PA/SA shall be terminated.

(II) Direct Recruit PAs/SAs (on probation) who pass the test, but their conduct/ performance is unsatisfactory:

(a) In case conduct/performance of a PA/SA is found unsatisfactory during the probation period irrespective of the fact that he/she has passed the required tests, the probation period of such PA/SA will be extended for six months in order for him/her to improve his/her conduct/performance to a satisfactory level.

(b) Such PA/SA as mentioned in (a) above may be given a written warning that unless his/her conduct/performance improves to a satisfactory level, the issue of terminating his/her services will be considered. In case his/her conduct/performance has improved to a satisfactory level during the extended probation period, he/she may be declared to have successfully completed the probation period and may be confirmed in service. If not, the services of such temporary Direct Recruit PA/SA shall be terminated.

5. The PTCs shall send reports relating to conduct/performance and passing/failing in the tests/qualifying test etc. as the case may be, in respect of each Direct Recruit PA/SA (on probation) to the Divisional Head concerned.

6. In order to ensure that termination cases are decided appropriately, the Divisional Head concerned, the Appointing Authority of PA/SA, will first issue a speaking Show Cause Notice covering reasons in detail for termination to the PA/SA concerned within 15 days after completion of extended six months’ period of probation. The said PA/SA will be given 15 days’ time to make representation, if any. Subsequently, the said Divisional Head, after carefully examining all relevant documents as also the representation, if any, of the official concerned, will decide the case of his/her termination within 45 days from the date of issue of Show Cause Notice.

7. Successful completion of training is a pre-requisite for completion of probation. Therefore, above may be included in the provisional offer of appointment issued to the candidates.

8. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned.

Yours faithfully,
(N T Paite)
Director (SPN)

Authority : www.indiapost.gov.in


NFCAA publishes Cadre Review Proposal and Charter of Demands for the proposed meeting with CGA

Request for convening meeting with the National Executives of All India Civil Accounts Employees Association and All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category – II.


All India Civil Accounts Employees Association
Phone No. 23345070, Mob. No. 9868520926, e-mail:- v.aicaea@gmail.com

Central Office: –
16-A, Akbar Road Hutments,
New Delhi: – 110011

Address for Communication:-
17/2 – C, P & T Quarters,
Kali Bari Marg,
New Delhi-110001

No: AICAEA/HQ/A-2/2015/380-410

Dated: 02.05.2015

Shri Jawahar Thakur,
Controller General of Accounts,
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure,
Loknayak Bhawan,
Khan Market,
New Delhi – 110003

Subject:- Request for convening meeting with the National Executives of All India Civil Accounts Employees Association and All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category – II.

In continuation of NFCAA letter No: – NFCAA/HQ/A-2/2015/366 dated 01.05.2015, we are enclosing herewith the CADERE REVIEW proposal and the list of the items (Charter of Demands) we wish to discuss in the meeting we have requested for.

The date and time of the meeting may kindly be informed to us atleast a fortnight ahead so that our outstation National Executive members could procure Railway Reservations for attending the meeting.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

(V. Bhattacharjee)
Secretary General

Enclo: as above

Copy to the all Federal Executive Members.


1. Cadre Review
Cadre Review in the Civil Accounts Organization on functional requirements and grant of appropriate Pay & Grade pay to different cadres.

a. Accounts Assistant (by upgradation of post of LDCs ) – Grade Pay Rs. 2400/- PB 1

b. Staff Car Driver Gr. II – Grade Pay Rs. 2400/- PB 1

c. Stenographer Gr. III – Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- PB 1

d. Accountant -20%, DEO Grade A and Junior Hindi Translator (converting as Accountant) – Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- PB 2

e. Sr. Accountant – 80%, Data Entry Operator Grade B/Hindi Translator (Converting as Sr. Accountant) Stenographer Gr. I (Merged post of Gr.II & I) – Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-PB 2

f. Sr. Accountant- on completion of 4 years/Computer Operator – Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-PB 2

g. Private Secretary – Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-PB 2
After 4 years of service – Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-PB 3

h. Asstt. Accounts Officer–30% posts by promotion of Sr. Accountant on seniority with removal of condition of 53 years of age for eligibility and 70% by AAO(c) examination – Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-PB-2

h. AAO Grade II on completion of 4 years – Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-PB 3

i. Sr. Private Secretary – Grade Pay Rs. 6600- PB 3
(Post should be re-designated as Principal Private Secretary] Post of PPS may be allocated to Principal Chief Controller of Accounts and Chief Controller of Accounts (Addl. Secretary/Joint Secretary level officers)
As per para 2(iii) of DOPT Order No.20/51/2009-CS.II (A)(Vol.II) dated 25th February, 2011 – 625 newly created posts of PPS have been allocated against Joint Secretaries and equivalent level officers in different Ministries/Departments participating in CSSS on functional jurisdiction

1. Restoration of 5% promotional quota to the post of LDC for Gr-D/MTS and clearing of backlog by promoting all eligible MTS to the grade of Accounts Assistant as a onetime measure.

2. Formation of independent Department Of Accounts under CGA.

3. Filling up of vacant posts – regularization of contract /outsourced workers as per orders dated 23-01-2013 issued by Ministry of Labour – grant of minimum wage to those who are working against regular posts.

4. Grant of recognition to AICAEA CAT-II, NFCAA and implementation of check-off-system as per Government instructions.

5. Adoption of mutually agreed transfer policy for AAOs and implementation of the policy transparently and filling up of vacant posts by providing promotions to Civil Accounts Employees.

6. Provision of alternative accommodation and amenities to the Central Office of AICAEA.

7. Imparting training and grant of incentive for implementation of e-payment system.

8. Removal of discrimination in the date of effect of Promotion and grant of date of effect of promotion from 1st January of the year to all cadres.

9. Allotment of one seat in the National Council,(JCM) and 2nd seat in Departmental Council(JCM) to All India Civil Accounts Employees Association.

10. Counting of service for Grant of benefit of II ACP to Sr. Accountant appointed as Accountant-
(a) from the date passing departmental competitive examination conducted by SSC.
(b) from the 1st July of the next year of passing open examination conducted by SSC as per orders of DOPT and MHA

11. Grant Pay Scale of Rs. 1350-2200 from 01.01.86 to DEOs as has been granted by the Defence Accounts Department as well as in terms of the CAT judgments.

12. Removal of injustice to newly recruited Accountant in the matter of granting 1st increment through rectification of the procedure of Departmental Confirmatory test and also imparting training to the candidates.

13. Grant of two financial up gradation to MTS under ACP scheme who had completed 24 years of service before implementation of MACP Scheme as has done by the O/o the Pr. of Audit and Director, Economic service Ministries, Delhi vide order No:- AMG.I/Admn-1/32 dated 24.06.2014 .

14. Grant of Headquarter allowance to Sr.PS/PS/Stenos posted in office of CGA.

15. Removal of anomaly in grade pay arisen in PAO, CRPF after amalgamation of the office in Civil Accounts Organization.

16. As per decision of Supreme Court, payment of arrears in cash from 01.01.1996 to 18-02-2003 to Sr. Accountants due to upgradation of pay scale from 1-1-1996 .

17. Decentralization of CPAO and formation of regional offices to make the very purpose of operation of Pension Accounting Offices effective and conveniently accessible to old aged Pensioners.

18. Relaxation for revision of option for fixation of pay in the revised pay structure for persons promoted to the grade of Asstt. Accounts Officer (AAO) after 01.01.2006.

19. As has been done in earlier occasions and granted by Defence Accounts Department, Grant of honorarium for checking of pay fixation cases and pension cases after implementation of 6th CPC recommendations.

20. No redeployment of retired officers and employees in the Civil Accounts Organization.

Email addressed to the Hon’ble PM from Lt Gen SK Bahri, Chairman, Alliance of Ex-Servicemen Organisations.

A Mail on OROP to the PM by Lt Gen. SK Bahri (Retd)

Here is an Email addressed to the Hon’ble PM from Lt Gen SK Bahri, Chairman, Alliance of Ex-Servicemen Organisations.

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

The ESM community is a very disillusioned lot. Reason being that you announced at the Rewari Rally in Sep 13 that you will meet the long outstanding demand for One Rank One Pension of soldiers soon after BJP comes to power. I WAS THERE when you said so.

It is going to be one year since you became the PM and we are only hearing about new dates every few weeks.

The expectations started from 1 Mar to 20 Mar, 1 Apr, 1 May, 26 May and now mid Jun.

Periodic assurances are being given by the RM, COAS and of course yourself.

The soldiers have now resigned to a future which is not dissimilar from what we had come to associate with your predecessors.

A sad situation when they had such high hopes from you.

We are aware that you are dealing with an intransigent bureaucracy, but with your and the RM';s experience of dealing with it in your earlier avatars, we expected a much better handling of this animal from you both.

There are murmurings that the FM is the culprit, as he had mentioned to some of us who met him soon after your government had been formed, that politicians are in the habit of making tall promises when faced by their constituents, which they may not be able to keep later.

May I remind you Sir, that you have made a promise to a soldier and so you are duty bound to keep it ie., if you expect him to keep his promise to the nation when he takes his oath on joining service. I hope we do not have to remind you again.



Lt Gen SK Bahri PVSM (Retd)

Source: http://indiamydreamland.blogspot.in

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