Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Uniform for the female employees - Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens

Uniform for the female employees of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens/ Tiffin Rooms: DoPT Order
 Government of India
 Ministry of Personnel PG Ex Pensions
 Department of Personnel Ex Training

Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
 New Delhi, dated 09 January, 2015


Subject: Uniform for the employees of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens/ Tiffin Rooms functioning in Central Government Offices- Issue of Petticoat and Dupatta to Female Canteen Employees – regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM. No.12/4/2001-Dir(C) 21.1.2002 and OM. No.12/8/2002-Dir(C) dated 8.7.2003 wherein scale of articles of Uniforms authorized for canteen employees was circulated.
2. The matter regarding issue of Uniforms to entitled female canteen employees has been reviewed and it has been decided to authorize issue of Petticoat to entitled female canteen employees who wear Saree and Dupatta to those who wear Salwar Kameez in addition to already authorized articles of Uniform. The scale of Uniform authorized vide OM. No.12/4/2001~Dir(C) dated 21.1.2002 will remain same.

3. instructions on procurement of Uniforms circulated vide OM. No-18/1/2009-Dir(C) dated 27.8.2010 are to be followed while procuring uniforms for canteen employees.
4. This issue with the concurrence of Home(Finance) vide their ID. Note No.3108505, dated 10.9.2014 and Ministry of Finance(Department of Expenditure) vide their I.D. Note 5(2)/E.II(A)/2014 dated 25.11.2014.
5. Hindi version will follow.
(Pratima Tyagi)

Source :

Introduction of postal stamps as RTI fee/cost

Introduction of postal stamps as RTI fee/cost
 Government of India
 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions
 Department of Personnel and Training
 (IR Division)
North Block, New Delhi
 Dated 14th January, 2015
Subject: Introduction of postal stamps as RTI fee/cost – seeking comments from public regarding
RTI Rules, 2012 prescribe payment of RTI application fee/Cost through four Modes i.e. IPO, Demand Draft, Bankers Cheque and Cash against receipt. Apart from regular modes of payments, Information seekers can use the facility of e-IPO and also use Debit/Credit Card for filing online RTI
2. CIC in its full bench decision in the case No. CIC/BS/C/2013/000149/LS dated 27.08.2013 had inter-alia urged DoPT to consider acceptance of RTI stamps as a mode of payment of RTI Fee and Costs. The issue was examined in consultation with Department of Posts and the latter expressed its inability to print exclusive RTI stamps. Subsequently, Department of Posts recommended use of definitive series of postal stamps which are ubiquitously available in the Post Offices across the country in different denominations. It further added that, the RTI applicants would also need to affix the said stamp(s) on the RTI application. The RTI applicant(s) by putting his signature or thumb impression shall cancel the said postage stamp(s) to prevent it from misuse/re-use.
3. It was decided with the approval of the then MoS (PP) that acceptance of postal stamps as mode of payment of RTI fee and cost would require amendment in the RTI Rules notified on 31.7.2012 only, the recommendations of CIC may be noted and considered as and when amendment to RTI Rules are considered.
4. The CIC in its recent decision dated 12.12.2014 in File No.CIC/SA/C/2014/000038 has again recommended to DoPT to adopt the proposal of the Deptt. of Posts of use of ordinary Postal Stamps for payment of RTI fee.
5. Introduction of Stamps as one of modes of payment for RTI application fee would require amendment to the RTI Rules, 2012. In addition, the following issues need to be sorted out before taking any decision.
i. Use of ordinary postal stamps for the purpose of RTI may lead to accounting problem, as it would not be possible to account amount collected for RTI through ordinary stamps. Section 25(3)(e) of the RTI Act lays down that each public authority is required to communicate to CIC/SIC, as the case may be, the amount of charges collected under this Act for incorporation in their Annual Report.
ii. There is apprehension of misuse of ordinary stamps for the purpose of RTI, in the absence of specific procedure for crossing such stamps.
iii. Whether postal stamps may be considered for initial RTI fees only or for payment of additional fee also.
6. A Committee has been formed to look into the above and other related issues. It has been decided to invite views/suggestions from the citizens in the subject matter, for the consideration of the Committee. The views/suggestions, preferably not exceeding more than one page, may be sent latest by 7.2.2015 through email only to Shri R.K. Girdhar, Under Secretary (RTI), North Block at usrti-doptOmic. in.
 (Sandeep Jain)
 Director – IR
 Tele. No. 011-23092755

Pay fixation on grant of Non-Functional Upgradation

Pay fixation on grant of Non-Functional Upgradation to the officers of Organized Group A Services
No. AB. 14017/25/2013-Estt.(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi, the 12th January, 2015
Subject: Clarification regarding Pay fixation on grant of Non-Functional Upgradation to the officers of Organized Group A Services
The instructions for grant of NFU as per 6th CPC for officers of Organized Group ‘A’ services have been issued in DOPT OM dated 24.04.2009. The terms & conditions for grant of NFU as laid down in Clause-7 of the Annexure to the above said 0.M., prescribe that pay fixation on grant of NFU under these orders will be done as per the provisions of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 i.e. officers will be granted one increment at the rate of 3% of basic pay and the difference of grade pay will be added to their basic pay. As for the officers posted under the Central Staffing Scheme, they will be granted one increment on account of NFU, but their grade pay will remain unchanged as they are holding a tenure post with a specific grade pay under Central Staffing Scheme.
2. The provisions of FR 22-(I)(a)(1) have been extended to promotions after 01.012006 vide Department of Expenditure O.M. F.No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 13th September, 2008(Clarification No.2). References have been received in this Department seeking clarification on whether the officers on grant of NFU will also be entitled to exercise option to get their pay fixed from the date of grant of NFU or from the date of the next increment.
3. The issue has been considered in consultation with the Department of Expenditure. It is clarified that the officers may be permitted the option for pay fixation as in the case of promotion with the condition that no re-fixation of pay would be allowed at the time of promotion. As per the terms and conditions for grant of NFU all the prescribed eligibility criteria and promotional norms including ‘benchmark’ for up-gradation to a particular grade pay would have to be met at the time of screening for grant of higher pay scale.
4. Hindi version will follow.
(Mukta Goel)
 Director (E-I)

Bank Bipartite : Sub Committees to start discussion yesterday

Bank Bipartite : Sub Committees to start discussion yesterday

Further to last round of 10th BPS negotiations with Indian Banks’ Association( IBA ) by Bank Unions (United Forum Of Bank Unions)which held on 6th and 7th Jan15. instant, as agreed during the discussions, IBA has now fixed up the meetings of the Sub-Committees as under:
Sub-Group to discuss Charter of Demands of Officers’ Associations
14th January 2015
at 2.00 p.m.
Sub-Group on Proposed health insurance scheme in lieu of the existing hospitalization reimbursement scheme
19th January 2015
at 10.30 a.m.
Sub-Group to discuss Charter of Demands of Workmen Unions
19th January 2015
at 2.30 p.m.
Source :

7th Pay Commission: Four times increase in pay for Central Government Employees expected

7th Pay Commission: Four times increase in pay for Central Government Employees expected

Tapas Joshi, New Delhi writes an article about the 7th pay commission pay scale for Central Government employees. We reproduced the article and given under to our readers for easy understanding…

Seventh Pay Commission: Four times increase in pay for Central Government Employees expected.

New Delhi: Tapas Joshi

2016 is a year expected to bring unbound happiness to the Central Government Employees. This year will end a long wait of 10 years, because the recommendations of the Pay Commission will be implemented in January 2016.

The Pay commission was established during the Manmohan Singh Government in February 2014. The deadline for the Pay commission was set to be 15 months. This leads to an expectation for the release of the Pay Commission report by September 2015. If the Memorandum submitted by the Various Employee Organisations is considered, the Pay Commission should provision recommendation for a four-fold increase in the current pay. During its tenure, the Pay Commission will travel to various cities, in addition to meeting the staff of various Employee Organisations. Here it is essential to note that during the sixth pay commission it was recommended to increase the pay of the Central Government Employees three-fold of their current pay.

Primary considerations in Pay Judgement:

The Pay of the Central Government Employees are compared with the Public sector employees such as BHEL, ONGC, etc and also with the Private sector employees. The minimum pay scale of the International Labor Union (ILO) is also considered as a norm. Further, the price of the various daily utility objects is taken into consideration. In the sixth pay commission the Inflation rate as on 01.01.2006 was also considered before putting up recommendations for the fresh Pay scales.

Things to be kept in mind by the Pay commission:

If we talk about the sixth pay commission the ratio of the minimum and maximum Pay was worked around as 1:12 and the minimum pay was decided to be Rs 7100. If in Rs 7100 we include House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Education Allowance etc the figure increases up to Rs 10000.

This time the Dearness Allowance has crossed the figure of 100 percent, and according the Indian Labor Ministry the minimum pay should be Rs 15000 per month. If the inflation and minimum pay are considered, on today’s date the minimum pay should be increased from Rs 7100 to Rs 30000. If in this we include House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Education Allowance etc the figure increases up to Rs 45000.

Thus the Pay of the Central Government Employees is expected to have a four-fold rise. The Central Government Employees are impatiently waiting for 2016, and we are also waiting to see how much do the Pay Commission stand up to the Expectations of the Central Government Employees.

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