Monday, 2 February 2015

DA for Bank Employees – Circular issued by IBA

DA for Bank Employees – Circular issued by IBA

IBA issued circulars regarding increasing the Dearness allowance for bank employees from February to April 2015 and Dearness relief for bank pensioners from Feb to July 2015

Click here to download the IBA circular of DA for employees
Click here to download the IBA circular of DR for pensioners.
Click here to download the IBA circular of DR for pre 01.01.1986 retirees


Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace

Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace – Amendments to CCS(Conduct)Rules 1964

G.I., Dep. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No. 11013/2/2014-Estt (A-III), dated 2.2.2015

Subject: Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964 — Guidelines regarding prevention of sexual harassment of women at the workplace— regarding

Following the promulgation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 [SHWW(PPR) Act] and notification of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013 [SHWW(PPR) Rules] on 09.12.2013., the Government has recently, on 19.11.2014, notified the amendments to Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964 and Classification, Control and Appeal Rules, 1965. The amendments and other salient features of the Act/ Rules was brought to the notice of all concerned vide Office Memorandum of even no. dated 27.11.2014. The amendments to the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964 and Classification, Control and Appeal Rules, 1965 and the Office Memorandum dated 01.12.2014 are available on the Department’s website.

2. The following guidelines, conveying the decision of the Committee of Secretaries on this subject, were issued vide this Department’s Office Memorandum No. 11013/3/2009-Estt.(A) dated 03.08.2009, “As regards provisions for protection of women, it was suggested that the complaints committee mechanism provided under Vishakha guidelines relating to sexual harassment should be strictly in accordance with the judgment and steps should be taken to ensure that the committee is effective and functional at all times. It would also be desirable for the Committees to meet once a quarter, even if there is no live case, and review preparedness to fulfil all requirements of the Vishakha judgment in the Department/Ministry/ organization concerned.”

3. As per the guidelines issued vide Office Memorandum dated 21.07.2009, it is also to be ensured that the Complaints Committee shall at all times be in existence and changes in its composition, whenever necessary, should be made promptly and adequately publicized. The composition of the Complaints Committee should also be posted on the websites of the concerned Ministries/Departments/Offices concerned.

4. Vide the Office Memorandum dated 01.12.2014, the attention of the Ministries/Departments was also invited to the reporting requirements mentioned in the SHWW(PPR) Act and SHWW(PPR) Rules.

5. All Ministries/ Departments are requested to please review the progress of implementation of the existing abovementioned guidelines issued in the aftermath of the Vishakha judgment.

6. Attention of all Ministries is invited to Section 22 of the Act relating to including information in Annual Report, and to request that information relating to number of cases filed, if any, and their disposal may be included in the Annual Report of the Ministry / Department.

7. All Ministries / Departments are also requested to furnish an annual return (as on 31 stMarch) in the enclosed proforma to this Department by 30th April every year.

Bank Bipartite negotiation between UFBU and IBA

Bank Bipartite negotiation between UFBU and IBA: Possibility of significant hike stands remote

On the eve of next bipartite negotiation between UFBU and IBA, scheduled the 3rd February’15 at Mumbai, possibility of significant rise in salary is looking a distant probability. As per sources, the deal is likely to be concluded soon, within just one or two more meeting and the rise will be only around 13% of pay slip components. The bipartite negotiation is likely to be signed within a month.

In the meantime Union minister of state for environment and forest Prakash Javadekar hinted that bank employees should not expect a significant salary hike.
Javadekar said the public sector banks are facing a challenge of non-performing assets (NPA) and their finances are strained.

Read more at : Times of India


DOPT Orders - Procedure for conduct of supplementary DPC

Procedure for conduct of supplementary DPC – Dopt issued orders with illustration
G.I., Dep. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No. 22011/2/2014- Estt.D,
 dated 30.1.2015

Subject:- Procedure for conduct of supplementary DPC

This Department instructions issued vide OM No. 22011/5/86-Estt (D) dated 10.4.89 [para 6.4.2 (i)] provide that vacancies occurring due to death, voluntary retirement, new creations etc. could not be foreseen at the time of placing facts and material before the DPC, therefore, another meeting of DPC (commonly referred to supplementary DPC) should be held for drawing up a panel for these vacancies.

2. References have been received with regard to the zone of consideration, the eligibility list for the supplementary DPC and whether officers who are included in the panel by the original DPC or in the extended panel but could not be promoted as these anticipated vacancies do not actually become available could be appointed against the additional vacancies later becoming available for the same vacancy year.

3. These issues have been examined in consultation with UPSC and following is decided:-

(i) The zone of consideration, in case of holding supplementary DPC, shall be fixed as per the provisions in this Department OM No. 22011/2/2002-Estt(D) dated 6.1.2006 keeping in view total number of vacancies arising in a particular vacancy year i.e. vacancies accounted in Original DPC + additional vacancies becoming available subsequently during the same year.

(ii) The eligibility list for supplementary DPC shall be prepared by removing the names of all such officers who have already been assessed by earlier DPC as fit, unfit or placed in the sealed cover by the original DPC before placing the same for consideration by the supplementary DPC.

(iii) The officers who have already been empanelled or placed in the extended panel but could not be promoted due to these vacancies not actually becoming available; need not be re-assessed by the supplementary DPC as the assessment matrix remains the same. They may be appointed against the additional vacancies of the same vacancy year as per recommendations of the earlier DPC. In such situation the number of vacancies for supplementary DPC shall be accordingly adjusted.

4. While calculating the regular vacancies for a DPC, it is incumbent upon administrative department to ensure that there is no arbitrariness in calculation of anticipated vacancies.

5. To provide clarity in implementation of these instructions some situation specific illustrations are enclosed as Annexure to this OM.


Original DPC

No. of vacancies 5
Normal zone 5 x 2 + 4 = 14
Extended zone 5 x 5 = 25

Supplementary DPC

No. of vacancies – 2

Zone of consideration will be decided taking into account total number of vacancies in the vacancy year, i.e. 7 (Vacancies at the time of original DPC + unanticipated vacancies for the same year i.e. 5+2) in this case.

For 7 vacancies, normal zone is 7 x 2 + 4 = 18

Extended Zone 7 x 5 = 35

Situation 1- In the original DPC, first 5 officers are assessed as ‘Fit’ and no officer is assessed for extended panel or assessed as ‘Unfit’ and/or kept in ‘Sealed Cover’

Zone of consideration for Supplementary DPC will now be 13 (Normal Zone of consideration for total number of vacancies for that year — number of officers assessed by earlier DPC i.e 18-5).

As such, in the eligibility list of Supplementary DPC in the above illustration, 13 officers (9 left over officers from the original DPC and 4 additional officers) shall be included.

Situation 2 – In the original DPC, first 5 officers are assessed as ‘Fit’ and next 3 officers are assessed for extended panel and no officer is assessed as ‘Unfit’ and for kept in ‘Sealed Cover’

Zone of consideration for Supplementary DPC will now be 10 (Normal Zone of consideration for total number of vacancies for that year — number of officers assessed by earlier DPC i.e 18-8).

As such, in the eligibility list of Supplementary DPC in the above illustration, 10 officers (6 left over officers from the original DPC and 4 additional officers) shall be included.

Situation 3- In the original DPC, 5 officers are assessed as ‘Fit’, 2 officers are assessed for extended panel and 4 officers are assessed as Unfit’ and/or kept in ‘Sealed Cover’

Zone of consideration for Supplementary DPC will now be 7 (Normal Zone of consideration for total number of vacancies for that year — number of officers assessed by earlier DPC i.e 18-11)

As such, in the eligibility of Supplementary DPC in the above illustration, 7 officers (3 left over officer not assessed in the original DPC and 4 additional officers) shall be included in the normal zone.

Extended Zone in situation 1,2 & 3 above:

Extended zone in the Supplementary DPC, wherever resorted to, may be operated accordingly leaving out the SC/ST officers assessed by the original DPC.

In the Supplementary DPC, (a) Zone of consideration (Normal as well as Extended) shall be decided taking into account total number of vacancies in the relevant vacancy year; and (b) all the officers already assessed in the original DPC are not to be included in the fresh zone of consideration in respect of the S-DPC.

Source :

Expected Dearness Allowance: Two More Instalments for the tenure of 6th Pay Commission

Expected Dearness Allowance: Two More Instalments for the tenure of 6th Pay Commission

Expected or Additional Dearness Allowance: Two More Instalments for the tenure of 6th Pay Commission i.e., July 2015 and Jan 2016.

After releasing the CPI(IW) for the month of December 2014, the second instalment of additional Dearness Allowance for the year of 2014 is confirmed to hike by 6%. This calculation effective from 1.1.2015 for the purpose of DA / DR to CG Employees and Pensinoers upto June 2014. The total DA and DR will go up to 113%.

After the completion of 2014, two more instalments are balance for the year of 2015. These additional instalments are effective from 1.7.2015 and 1.1.2016. The index of ‘All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers Base Year 2001=100′ upto December 2015 is esstential to arrive the additional percentage of dearness allowanec for the tenure of Jan to June 2014 and July to Dec 2014.

The 6th Pay Commission recommended the calculation method of additional DA for the period of 2006 to 2015, and from Jan 2016 is expected to begin with the recommendation of 7th Pay Commission.

A table is given for better understand the position of dearness allowance and remaining the additional DA…

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