Monday, 22 September 2014

Reimbursement when Pensioners take treatment immediately after Retirement before getting CGHS Cards

CGHS CardReimbursement when Pensioners take treatment immediately after Retirement before getting CGHS Cards

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has now decided to clarify the matter as follows :-

(I) The treatment taken and expenditure Incurred thereon within the grace period of three months from the date of retirement will be allowed and expenditure reimbursable
subject to the condition that the beneficiary has either obtained or applied for CGHS pensioner card with all documents and requisite CGHS subscription within one month of expiry of the grace period of three months.

(ii) It is further clarified that the expenditure on treatment taken after the grace period of three months from date of retirement will not be reimbursable unless the beneficiary has obtained a valid CGHS card or has applied for CGHS pensioner card with all documents and requisite CGHS subscription prior to taking such treatment.

Qualifications awarded by various Boards of School Education in India for the purpose of employment in Railways

Acceptance of certificates/qualifications awarded by various Boards of School Education in India for the purpose of employment on the railways.

Clarification has been received from nodal Ministry/Department of Government of India, viz, Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T) and M/o Human Resource Development (MHRD) stating that COBSE (Council of Board of School Education in India), an Association of National & State School Boards, is responsible for verifying genuineness/ recognition of School Education Boards in India. It grants membership to Boards/Institutes that are set up by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature or an executive order of the Central/State Governments and follow National Curriculum Framework.

The certificates issued by its member Boards are equivalent to any other board across the country. Accordingly, the matter has been examined and it has been decided by the Board that zonal railways need not approach this Ministry seeking such clarification regarding acceptance or otherwise of certificates/qualification obtained from various Boards of School Education in India and instead, refer to official website of COBSE i.e. which contain list of Boards of School Education which are Member Boards of COBSE.

Thus certificates/ qualification obtained from all such institutions borne on the aforesaid list will be acceptable for the purpose of employment on the railways, from the date on which the said institution has been accorded membership by COBSE, if they were not recognized earlier by any competent authority. This date of acceptability of certificate may be obtained by approaching COBSE directly and a copy of clarification thus obtained may also be endorsed to this Ministry for information & record.

Source Document : Railway Board Ordrs No.E(NG)-II/2007/RR-l/38 dated 15th July 2014

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