Sunday, 11 January 2015

Wednesdays as a ‘Public Meeting Day’ for hearing public grievances

 Wednesdays as a ‘Public Meeting Day’ for hearing public grievances
 Government of India
 Ministry of Finance
 Department of Revenue
 {Central Board of Direct Taxes)
Room No.157-B, North Block, New Delhi,
 Dated the 6th January,2015
Subject: Instructions regarding observance of Wednesdays as a ‘Public Meeting Day’ for hearing public grievances-
As a part of Prime Minister’s ‘Good Governance Day’ promise to provide an “open and accountable administration’ it has been decided that all field offices of the Income Tax Department will observe ’Public Meeting Day’ during 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM every Wednesday to listen to and try to resolve the grievances of the members of the public. Heads of local income tax offices will not fix any official meeting on Wednesdays during the hours prescribed for interaction with the public and will ensure that their staff including staff at the reception and security personnel. are suitably instructed to allow the members of the public to meet the officers without prior appointment.
Accordingly, the undersigned has been directed to request all cadre controlling Principal Chief Commissioners /Director Generals of Income Tax to instruct all officers and staff under their cadre control to observe ‘Public Meeting Day’ during 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM every Wednesday with effect from 7th January, 2015 to listen to and to try and resolve the grievances of the members of the public.
A suitable feedback mechanism shall also be put in place by each cadre controlling Principal Chief Commissioner /Director General of Income Tax for offices under his control to record the number of grievances attended to and solved on every ‘public meeting day’, and to identify the deficiencies with a view to suggesting systemic changes required to avoid recurrence of delays in redressaI of grievances.
A report in this regard shall henceforth also be incorporated in their Monthly DO letters submitted to the Zonal Members concerned. It is expected that the above instructions will be adhered to without fail.
This issues with the approval of Chairperson, CBDT.

Iris scanners for Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System

Iris scanners for Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System
Soon, iris scanners at govt offices: Indian Express

Clearly in no mood to offer any let up in getting government officials to turn up for work in time, the Narendra Modi government is all set to install iris scanners alongside fingerprint reading machines in many central government offices just to ensure that no employee is left out of the purview of the Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS).
The move, government officials said, is essentially aimed at ensuring that no government employee escapes marking attendance on the AEBAS just in case some of the wall mounted bio-metric attendance terminals are unable to read their fingerprints. Officials said there had been a some isolated cases where a few of these machines had reported glitches in recognising fingerprints of registered employees.

 Since the electronic attendance system has already been linked to Aadhaar, the fingerprints of employees are authenticated online by matching them with the biometrics stored in the UIDAI database against the employees’ Aadhaar number. “Since a scan of the iris is also a part of the biometric data captured by UID to generate the Aadhaar number, iris scans can also be used to mark attendance using the AEBAS,” an official explained.
Sources said that around 200 iris scanning devices are already under installation in around 100 government building in the national capital. “The installation of these scanners will further strengthen the AEBAS,” an official said. Over 87,000 government employees, from 395 organisations, have registered for the AEBAS so far. Close to 5,000 fingerprint reading devices — including biometric terminals and desktop devices — have been installed in central government offices.
Simultaneously, efforts are on to synchronise all the wall mounted bio-metric attendance terminals installed in government buildings in the capital to enable users the flexibility to mark their “out” attendance from a terminal that may not necessarily be installed in their own respective office buildings.


Relaxation for Air-Tickets on TA (Transfer) from Private Agents: CBDT Order

Relaxation for Air-Tickets on TA (Transfer) from Private Agents: CBDT Order
F.No. A-27017/01/2015-Ad.VI (A)
 Government of India
 Ministry of Finance
 Department of Revenue
 Central Board of Direct Taxes
New Delhi, dated 9th January, 2015

 All Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax,
 All Director General of Income Tax,

Sub: Relaxation for purchase of Air-Tickets on TA (Transfer) from Private Agents – Regarding.

Sir/ Madam,
 Kindly find enclosed herewith a copy of GM. of Ad.I Section of Department of Revenue bearing No. FTS No.110738/2014-Ad.I dated 31st December, 2014 alongwith its enclosure on the above mentioned subject for strict compliance by field offices.
Engl. as above.

Yours faithfully,
(Raju Kumar)
 Under Secretary to the Govt. India

Finance Ministry orders on Relaxation for purchase of Air-Tickets on TA (Transfer) from Private Agents issued on 31.12.2014

FTS No.110738/2014-Ad.I
 Government of India
 Ministry of Finance
 Department of Revenue
New Delhi, dated the 31 December, 2014


Subject: Relaxation for purchase of Air-Tickets on TA (Transfer) from Private Agents – Regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Expenditure’s observation vide its ID Note dated 11.12.2014 (copy enclosed) regarding non-compliance of extant air travel guidelines by field formations of Department of Revenue despite the same being internally circulated by the Department in October, 2012.
2. It. has been observed by the Department of Expenditure that officers of field formations under Department; of Revenue continue to claim ignorance of the extant air travel guidelines with regard to prescribed procedure for purchase of air tickets from authorized travel, agents in respect of air journey performed by them. Department of Expenditure have sought clarification as to how Department of Revenue proposes to ensure that the air travel guidelines are complied with strictly in all its field formations so as to eliminate cases requiring relaxation of air travel guidelines due to ignorance of these instructions.
3. It is, therefore, requested that wide publicity should be given to air travel guidelines issued by Department of Expenditure from time to time in respective field formations of CBDT and CBEC
(Ajay Kumar Nema)
 Director (Hqrs.)

Ministry of Finance
 Department of Expenditure
 (E.IV Branch)

Ref. DoR FNo.339/TA/2013-02225;
 DoE ID No.232472/2014 dated 20-08-2014.

The Department of Revenue(DoR) may refer to the proposal seeking relaxation of the guidelines on air travel with regard to prescribed procedure for purchase of air tickets from authorized travel agents only in respect of air journey performed by Shri Akhllesh Ranjan, JS(FT & TR-l) from Mumbai to Delhi on transfer wherein air tickets had been booked from unauthorized travel agent.
2. Further to this Department’s ID Note dated 20-08-2014, DoR may clarify as to how field formations under DoR continue to claim ignorance of the extant air travel guidelines even though these guidelines were
 internally circulated by DoR in October,2012 and how DoR proposes to ensure that the air travel guidelines are compiled with strictly in all its field formation so as to eliminate cases requiring relaxation of air travel
 guidelines due to ignorance of these instructions.
3. Further, DoR is advised to obtain a formal communication from Air India,as claimed by Shri Akhilesh Ranjan. JS(FT & TR-1) at para 4 on page 9/N (ante), that Air India is unable to verify the airfare charged by the unauthorized travel agent or indicate difference in the airfare, if any, after verification by Air India.

(A. Bhattacharya)
 Under Secretary to the Government of India


Recruitment of Ex-Trade Apprentices in Ordnance Factories – BPMS

Recruitment of Ex-Trade Apprentices in Ordnance Factories – BPMS
BPMS General Secretary Shri M.P.Singh writes a letter to the Chairman of DGOF regarding the subject above quoted, the content of the letter is reproduced ang given below for your information…
REF: BPMS /OFB / Trade Apprentice / 228(8/3/L)
Dated: 09.01.2015
 The DGOF & Chairman,
 Ordnance Factory Board,
 10 A, S K Bose Road,
Subject: Recruitment of Ex-Trade Apprentices in Ordnance Factories: Compliance of the amended provisions of The Trade Apprentices Act, 1961.
Respected Sir,
 With due regards, it is submitted that the Apprentices (Amendment) Bill, 2014 was introduced in Lok Sabha on 07th August, 2014 and passed on 14th August, 2014 and the Bill was passed in Rajya Sabha on 26.11.2014. Prior to this amendment it was not obligatory on the part of the employer to offer any employment to any apprentice who had completed the period of his apprenticeship training in his establishment, nor it was obligatory on the part of the apprentice to accept an employment under the employer. This was one of the impediments which discouraged youth to join the apprenticeship training as they were not sure whether they would get employment after completion of the apprenticeship training.
It was felt that by making it obligatory on part of the establishment to give preference to apprentices at the time of regular recruitment could lead to unwanted litigations. Hence, Section 22 of the Apprentices Act, 1961 has been amended so that establishments may formulate their own policies for recruiting trained apprentices.
In such circumstances, the OFB instruction issued vide letter No. 570/A/I (Pt)/54/Vol.IV/294 dated 06.01.2011 has become irrelevant regarding the recruitment processes to the post of Industrial Employees (Semi-Skilled tradesmen).
Therefore you are requested to intervene into the matter so that the OFB’s instruction mentioned hereinabove may be withdrawn / cancelled and issue necessary directives to appoint the ex-trade apprentices of Ordnance Factories on batch wise seniority basis, without conducting any written examination in compliance with the provisions of the Apprentices (Amendment) Act, 2014 in letter and spirit by incorporating the same in the relevant Recruitment Rules.
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours
 (M. P. SINGH)
 General Secretary

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