Wednesday, 23 September 2015

50% DA Merger and Retirement age 58 : Rumor Spreading in Social Networks

50% DA Merger and Retirement age 58 : Rumor Spreading in Social Networks

Order for Merger of 50% DA, Retirement age news.

Recently rumour mill went overdrive in social media with the following news that

1. Central Government decided to merge 50% DA with basic pay with effect from 1.1.2015.

2. It went on to say that age of Retirement will be on completion of 33 Years of service or at the age of 58 Years whichever is earlier.

The 7th CPC is expected to submit its report shortly and due to Bihar elections the Central Government cannot take any policy decisions in this regard. Hence it is clarified that none of the above news are correct.

Highlights of 7th Pay Commission Report Spreads on Social Media and Leading Websites

Highlights of 7th Pay Commission Report Spreads on Social Media and Leading Websites

Rumors on 7th Pay Commission Report – Highlights of the report spreads on Social Media and Leading Websites

Photograph of 7th Pay Commission’s Document Spreads like Wildfire on Social Media

“A copy of one of the important letter pertaining to the 7th Pay Commission surfaced in the social media yesterday.”

A crucial document containing the signatures of four members, including the chairman and secretary of the 7th Pay Commission was released on the Social Media, creating a buzz. The document, titled “Report of Seventh Central Pay Commission Highlights” contained the seal of the Central Government, stated that it would be submitted on September 1, 2015. The report showed three pages of the document. At the end of it, there were signatures, along with names and designations of four members of the Pay Commission, including the chairman and secretary.

The document also contained the recommendations of Revised Pay Scale Structure for all groups of Central Government employees. In addition to abolishing the Grade Pay Structure, the new minimum pay scale has been fixed at Rs.21,200. There is also indicated to provide a six percent annual increment.

There is brief information on HRA, CEA, Pay Fixation and Increment. There is no information about the person/s who had released the document. Most importantly, the information provided in the document is hard to believe.

The 7th Pay Commission was all set to submit its report to the Central Government towards the end of September, but the Centre has given it an extension of four more months. According to the government, the decision was made after the committee requested for additional time to prepare the final report.

For the past few weeks, the curiosity of Central Government employees about the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission has increased. This is reflected by the increased searches on the internet for any information on the new Pay Commission. They are eagerly reading up all kinds of reports, analysis, and comments on the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission on topics like new pay scale, promotions, and revised allowances. They are also expressing their opinions on such articles.

There is nothing wrong in writing articles about the 7th Pay Commission based on personal opinions and aspirations. But, there is nothing funny about producing a fake document and releasing it on the internet.


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