Linking of CGHS Card number with Aadhaar is purely on a voluntary basis
The below information was given in written reply to a question about the linking between CGHS card and Aadhaar by the Minister of Health and Family Welfare Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda in Lok Sabha on 11th March 2016 as follows…
"Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued an Office Memorandum No. Z-15025/11/201-DIR CGHS dated the 10th July 2015 requesting the Ministries/Departments concerned to motivate their employees availing CGHS to link their Aadhaar Numbers with the CGHS database either online themselves through the CGHS portal or through the CMO-in-charge of their dispensary.
Central Government employees/pensioners applying for new CGHS cards/new plastic cards have the option to provide Aadhaar Number for entering the number in CGHS database.
Linking of CGHS beneficiary ID number with Aadhaar number is purely on a voluntary basis.
Linkage of Aadhaar number with CGHS ID will facilitate consolidation of all health-related data bases and enable more convenient access to various E-services in the future. "