Monday, 1 December 2014

Wage Negotiations with Bank Employees Unions/ Associations: IBA Press Statement

Relay zonal strike programme being launched by unions/ associations from December 2, 2014. IBA deeply regrets the inconvenience caused to bank customers and general public due to the agitational programme launched by the employee unions/ associations.

Indian Banks’ Association

Press Release

Wage Negotiations with Bank Employees Unions/ Associations

IBA is issuing this press statement in the backdrop of proposed relay strikes and agitational programs by Employee Unions/ Associations causing severe inconvenience to bank customers and general public.

2. Last bipartite settlement with the workmen unions was signed on 27.4.2010 and was valid from 1.11.2007 to 31.10.2012. Joint note with officers’ associations was also effective w.e.f. 1.11.2007. As per practice, wage revision in banks is done every five years.

3. The apex level workmen unions and officers’ associations submitted their Charter of Demands in October 2012 for wage revision. The management team under IBA took up bipartite talks almost immediately thereafter. With a view to increase profitability and market share, we proposed productivity linked compensation structure. Plan to introduce cost to company concept of compensation and splitting of wages into fixed and performance linked variable components were placed before unions/ associations. Unfortunately unions/associations rejected our proposals.

4. The Negotiating Committee of IBA has convened 14 rounds of meetings with the representatives of Unions/ Associations so far and two important issues viz., effective date of settlement and merger of CPI at 4440 points (60.15%) as on November 2011 have been amicably settled. The wage revision in banks is done keeping in view the paying capacity of the banks. It is pertinent to note that in the recent years, while operating profits of Public Sector Banks have shown some growth, the net profits have shown declining trends. Staff expenses have gone up substantially in excess of increases in income mainly due increases in dearness allowances which compensate for the impact of inflation. As such, the banks are not in a position to accept the demand of the Unions/ Associations for 23% hike in salary and allowances. Moreover, the banks are required to implement Basel-III norms by 2018 for which additional capital is to be infused. Raising capital from the market will require banks to better their profitability. Considering the present paying capacity of banks, a hike of 11% on salary and allowances has been offered.

5. Considering the financial constraints / depleting profits of banks, IBA advised unions/ associations that IBA is not in a position to increase more than the last offer of 11% in pay slip. This works out to 12.5% on Bank’s establishment cost taking into account cost of superannuation benefits. However, IBA is willing to negotiate further if Unions/ Associations reduce their demand substantially from 23%. Despite the appeal by the IBA and Chief Labour Commissioner (C) at the conciliation meeting held on 10.11.2014 not to go on strike and resolve the issue through bipartism, the Unions/ Associations did not pay heed to the appeals and went on strike on 12.11.2014. While IBA is always flexible and keen on early settlement of wage negotiations, the Unions/ Associations are stonewalling suggestions to improve productivity and profitability and demanding unaffordable wage increases. The relay zonal strike programme being launched by unions/ associations from December 2, 2014 is unreasonable, unethical and unwarranted. We appeal to the unisons/associations to give up the agitational path and return to the negotiating table.

6. IBA deeply regrets the inconvenience caused to bank customers and general public due to the agitational programme launched by the employee unions/ associations.

M V Tanksale
Chief Executive


Eligibility of CSD Canteen facility for retired Para Military (CAPF) Personnel

No CSD Canteen Facility for Para Military(CAPF) personnel

Canteen Stores Department (CSD) facility is applicable to serving and retired personnel of Defence Forces and not to Para-Military

Hon’ble Member Shri Bashistha Narain Singh asked in Parliament yesterday about the eligibility of CSD Canteen facility for retired Para Military (CAPF) Personnel in Rohru and he also questioned that any proposal to open CSD Canteens in Rohru, Shimla(HP) .

The Minister of State for Home Affairs Shri Kiren Rijiju replied in written form in Parliament as follows…

“Canteen Stores Department (CSD) facility is applicable to serving and retired personnel of Defence Forces and not to Para-Military [now Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs)] personnel.

However, on the lines of CSD, the government has launched a Central Police Canteen (CPC) System on 18/09/2006 for the serving/retired CAPF personnel and their families.

As on date, in Himachal Pradesh, 02 Master Canteens (MCs) and 17 Subsidiary Canteens (SCs) are functioning. Out of these, 01 Master Canteen and 08 Subsidiary Canteens are functioning in the Shimla District. All serving/retired CAPF personnel and their families can avail CPC facilities from any CPC”.


New Central Govt. under the leadership of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi has completed six months in office. As far as the common people and working class of this country is concerned, no positive action has been taken by the Govt. to mitigate their woes and grievances. Instead much negative steps are taken during this six months period.

Government has withdrawn the guidelines which controls the pricing of essential medicines through National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority. As a result, the prices of essential medicines for treatment of cancer, blood pressure, colestorol, diabetics, heart-deceases etc will shoot up in the market. Prices of medicines for treatment of cancer itself which now costs Rs.8500 may go upto Rs.1,08,000/-. Pharmaceutical corporate companies are the beneficiaries.

Government has made its intention clear that the number of gas cylinders (LPG) per year will be reduced from existing 12 to 9 and also to link it to Aadhar and subsidies through direct cash transfer to Bank accounts. Earlier UPA Govt. has reduced the gas cylinders from 12 to 9 but subsequently it has been withdrawn the order due to widespread protests.

Govt. has deregularised the pricing of diesel. Earlier UPA Govt. has deregulated petrol prices and now the NDA Govt. has deregularised diesel price. Petroleum companies will now be free to decide the prices of petrol and diesel. Even-now the prices of petrol and diesel in India are 40% higher than the prices in the international market.

Govt. has decided to allow 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Defence Production. Earlier this move of the UPA Govt. was opposed by NDA saying that it is against the national interest and security of the country. Defence production will now be completely privatised.

Govt. has decided to allow 100% FDI in Railways and also public-private-partnership (PPP). During his speech delivered in Australia Prime Minister has called upon the Industrialists of that country to country to invest in Indian Railways. Doors for privatisation of Railways is opened.

Govt. has decided to allow 49% FDI in Insurance sector. The bill for amending the Insurance Act for this purpose is pending in the Parliament and Govt. spokes person has hoped that the bill will be passed in this winter session of Parliament.

Govt. has decided to disinvest the share of all public sector nationalised banks upto 48%. Road map for privatisation of banking sector is drawn.

Govt. has made it clear that 100% FDI will be allowed in Pension Funds. The future of those who are under the New Pension Scheme will be uncertain due to Pension Fund Privatisation.

Govt has decided to sell the shares of profit making public sector undertakings such as ONGC, BHEL, coal India Ltd. etc to the tune of 25%.

Govt. has made it clear that Indian Post Office Act 1898 will be amended to facilitate grant of licences to multi-national courier services. This will pave way for privatisation of postal sector.

While extending red-carpet welcome to the corporates and multinational companies, the Govt. has declared that all the labour laws which put hurdles before them will be amended. Govt. has already moved in Parliament Labour Law amendments to remove all the protections and justifys now enjoyed by the working class including justify to strike and justify to form unions.

Government has declared that all the loss-making public sector undertakings will be closed or privatised. Air India, BSNL etc. are all in the hit-list.

Government has made it clear that its slogan is “minimum government and maximum governance”. It has imposed a total ban on creation of new posts and for filling up of posts which are lying vacant for more than one year.

Regarding Central Government Employees, none of their legitimate demands are conceded by the Government. DA merger, Interim Relief, Inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) under 7th CPC, Date of effect of 7th CPC as 1-1-2014, Removal of 5% condition for compassionate appointment – everything stands rejected.

Regarding Postal employees none of the 39 demands raised by Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO) is settled. Three lakhs GDS are still not included in the 7th CPC and their future is uncertain, Revision of wages of Casual, Part-time, contingent employees with effect from 01-01-2006 is pending before the Government from 2008 onwards. Cadre Restructuring, issues of Postmaster Cadre, Accountants, System Administrators, MMS etc. all pending or rejected.

It is in the above background the Central Trade Unions, JCM National Council staff-side, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers and Postal JCA has decided to organise following agitational programmes.

1. As a part of nation-wide agitation by all Central Trade Unions including BMS, INTUC, HMS, AITUC, CITU etc. has decided to organise Parliament March on 5th December, 2014 to protest against the anti-people, anti-labour policies of the NDA Government. In the march they will declare future struggle programmes.

2. All the organisations in the JCM National Council (Staff side) including Railways, Defence and Confederation has decided to organise a National Convention on 11th December, 2014 to decide future course of action for realisation of the legitimate demands of the Central Government employees.

3. Postal JCA comprising NFPE, FNPO, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) and NUGDS has decided to organise a massive Parliament March of 20000 Postal& RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual, Part-Time, Contingent employees on 4th December, 2014 demanding settlement of 39 point charter of demands. PJCA has decided to go for indefinite strike.

NFPE calls upon the entirety of five lakhs Postal employees to participate in all the above programmes and make it a grand success. Let us pledge that we shall continue our struggle till success.

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