Tuesday, 6 October 2015

IBA Circular - Implementation of Medical Insurance scheme to Bank Retirees

Implementation of Medical Insurance scheme to Bank Retirees – IBA Circular

Indian Banks’ Association

No CIR/HR&IR/2015-16/XBPS/J/1413
October 1, 2015

All Member Banks which are parties to the Bipartite Discussions

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Implementation of Medical Insurance scheme to Retirees as agreed vide Bipartite Settlement/ Joint Note Dated 25th May, 2015

We refer to our letter No CIR/HR&IR/2015-16/XBPS/961 dated the 29th June, 2015 in terms of which the member Banks parties to the Bipartite Discussions were advised that the medical Insurance Scheme will be extended to the existing retirees also, subject to payment of the agreed Insurance Premium by them. It was also advised to bring to the notice of the existing retirees, the contents of the said scheme and obtain their consent as to whether they are willing to join the Scheme and on receipt of their consent, the details were to be provided to the Lead Insurer i.e. United India Insurance Co. Ltd. appointed by IBA for the purpose.

2. We have been advised by M/s K.M. Dastur Reinsurance Brokers duly authorized by the Lead Insurance Company to collect the employees as well as retirees data from the Banks, that while the employees data has been received by them from the Banks, the retirees data is yet to be provided by the Banks to them. As such, the United India Insurance Co. Ltd. has calculated the premium in respect of the employees of the concerned Banks and has demanded to remit the premium accordingly to them so that Mediclaim Policy in respect of employees may be implemented preferably from 1st October, 2015.

3. In this connection, we advise that a separate Mediclaim Policy in respect of retirees will be issued on similar terms and conditions as is applicable to serving employees, once the data is provided by the Banks to United India Insurance Co. Ltd. through their authorized broker M/s K.M Dastur Reinsurance Brokers and Insurance Premium is remitted to the Insurance Co. The Insurance Premium for retirees is also same as is for serving Employees which is as under :

4. Participating Banks are therefore requested to obtain the consent of the retirees expeditiously and provide the details on prescribed format to M/s K.M Dastur Reinsurance Brokers to enable the Insurance Co. to calculate the Insurance Premium in respect of retirees of the concerned banks accordingly. To make the Mediclaim Insurance Policy operational w.e.f. 1st November, 2015 for retirees, it is suggested to inform the retirees to give their consent for joining the Scheme latest by 25th October, 2015. We have requested to Lead Insurer to allow a grace period of three months to such retirees who could not give their consent by stipulated date as suggested above to join the Scheme after Mediclaim Policy is made operational. In exceptional circumstances, to the satisfaction of the concerned Bank, the request of the retirees may be considered to join the scheme during the currency of the Policy. The Insurance company has agreed for the same.

5. It is pertinent to mention that United India Insurance Co. Ltd conducted workshops in the month of July in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Bengaluru covering representatives from all participating Banks to disseminate the salient features of the Policy, benefits available to the employees/ retirees and to clear the doubts/queries raised by the participants.

6. Please, therefore, make all out efforts to operationalize. the MediclaimPolicy for retirees preferably from 1st November, 2015

Yours faithfully,



Deputy Chief Executive

Authority: www.iba.org.in

Bonus Orders 2015 – Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) Order for 40 days for the civilians of Indian Navy

Bonus Orders 2015 – Productivity Linked Bonus Order for 40 days for the civilians of Indian Navy

Government of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi, dated the 21st September, 2015

The Chief of the Naval Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) for the civilian employees of the EME for the Year 2014-15.

I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry’s letter No.F.24(8)/80/D(JCM) dated 28th September, 1983, as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 40 days (forty days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2014-15 to the eligible civilian employees of Indian Navy.

2. The entitlement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2014-15 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB shall be paid to all eligible Gp. ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted), Gp. ‘C’ and Gp. ‘D’ civilian employees of Indian Navy who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2014-15. The calculation ceiling of Rs.3500/- (3500×32/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Productivity Linked Bonus to the casual labour will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/- p.m. (1200×32/30.4) for the accounting year 2014-15. However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs.1200/- pm, the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budget grant for the year 2015-16.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their ID. No. 17012/2015/E.111.(A) dated 15.9.2015 and MoD (Fin/AG/PB) vide their Dy. No. 141/AG/PB dated 18.9.2015.

Yours faithfully,
(Amltava Saha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India.

Source: INDWF

Bonus 2015 : INDWF writes to Prime Minister on Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB)

Bonus 2015 : INDWF writes to PM on Productivity Linked Bonus

Letter to PM on Productivity Linked Bonus



Date: 05.10.2015

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
South Block, Raisina Hills, New Delhi

Respected Sir,
Sub: Payment of Bonus to workers — removal of eligibility and calculation ceilings-reg.

Vide Press Information Bureau dated 1st September 2015, the Government of India (Ministry of Labour & Employment) has announced that the Government has been seriously considering amendment in the wage eligibility for payment of Bonus to the employees from Rs.10,000 to Rs.21,000 and equally for revising the calculation ceiling from Rs.3500 to Rs.7000 or the minimum wage notified by the appropriate Government for that category of employees, whichever is higher. Although more than a month passed from the date of announcement, the Government is yet to give decision for upward revision of wage eligibility and calculation ceiling limits.

2. In this connection, NFIR desires to bring to your kind notice that in the Railways, productivity Linked Bonus Scheme was introduced in the year 1979 by an agreement with the Railwaymen’s Federations. Pursuant to the said agreement, payment of productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) is made every year (prior to Dussehra festival) by notional calculation of salary at Rs. 3500/- per month. NFIR has been pressing the Government since long to remove calculation ceiling for ensuring payment of P.L. Bonus on actual salary of employees.

3.The employees throughout the Country are anxiously awaiting for Government’s decision as already promised for revision of wage eligibility and calculation ceiling limits on Bonus.

INDWF, therefore, requests the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India to kindly intervene and see that the commitment made on September 1, 2015 for revision of wage eligibility and calculation ceiling limits for payment of Bonus is implemented before commencement of Puja Holidays.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

Copy to :
Shri. Arun Jaietly, Hon;ble Finance Minister, North Block, New Delhi.
Shri. Manohar Prikar, Hon’ble Minister of Defence, South Block, New Delhi
Shri.Bandaru Dattatreya, Hon’ble Minister of Labour & Employment, New Delhi
President, INDWF, New Delhi

Source: INDWF

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