Saturday, 27 February 2016

MACPS on Promotional Hierarchy – NFIR

MACPS on Promotional Hierarchy – NFIR

Grant of Financial up-gradation under MACPS in the promotional hierarchy – (instead of Grade Pay hierarchy) – Item No.3 of Record note of discussion held between the Federation and EDs, Railway Board on 12/10/2015 on MACPS anomalies.

National Federation Of Indian Railwaymen

No.IV/MACPS/09/Part 9

Dated: 26-02-2016

The secretary (E)
Railway Board
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Grant of financial up-gradation under MACPS in the promotional hierarchy – (instead of Grade Pay hierarchy) – Item No.3 of Record Note of discussion held between the Federation and ED’s Railway Board on 12-10-2015 on MACPS Anomalies – reg.

Ref: (i) Railway Board’s Letter No.PC-V/M/4/NFIR/Pt dated 04-01-2016
(ii) NFIR’s Letter No.IV/MACPS/09/Part 9 dated 05-01-2016 & 18-01-2016

Further to above, Federation furnishes below yet another category viz., Shorff cadre (Cash & Pay Department – Receipt side) in which case the ACP Scheme was more advantageous than the MACP Scheme introduced by the Railway Board vide Board’s letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 10-06-2009, w.e.f. 01-09-2008.

Note: * The above comparison clearly establishes the fact that under ACP Scheme the staff got financial up-gradation in Pay Scale Rs.5000-8000/GP 4200/- on completion of 24 years of service whereas under MACP Scheme, the staff gets GP 2800/- (replacement Grade Pay) on completion of three decades and they cannot dream of reaching GP 4200 (PB-2) under MACPS.

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to include the above category of staff in the reference agreed to be made to the DoP&T for seeking guidelines.

Yours faithfully
General Secretary


7th CPC Latest News : BPMS Protest for Minimum Pay 24000 and Fitment formula 3.42

7th CPC Latest News : BPMS Protest for Minimum Pay 24000 and Fitment formula 3.42

BPMS circular for agitation programme from 01.03.2016 to 05.03.2016

CENTRAL OFFICE: 2-A, NAVEEN MARKET, KANPUR – 208001, PH & FAX : (0512) 2332222
MOBILE: 09415733686, 09235729390, 09335621629, WEB :

REF: BPMS/20/CIR/2015

Dated: 19.02.2016

The President/ General Secretary
Unions Affiliated to Federation

Subject: Agitation Programme from 01 March, 2016 to 05 March, 2016.

Sadar Namaskar
I hope this letter will find to all of you in good health and high spirit and busy in accelerating trade union activities. The meeting of office bearers of BPMS was conducted on dated: 11th and 12th February, 2016. In this meeting the recommendations of 7th CPC was discussed specially. As all of you know that 7th CPC submitted its recommendations to Honorable Finance Minister of Govt. of India on 19.11.2015. After analyzing the recommendations of 7th CPC, BPMS wrote a letter to Govt of India addressing anomalies in recommendations along with conducting a National level protest day on the call of GENC. We met Dr Jitendra Singh/Minister of DoP&T and Prime Minister Office at his office situated in Parliament and discussed the issues and submitted a memorandum. Honorable Minister assured the representatives of GENC and BPMS that all necessary action would be taken at the earliest and a meeting would be fixed with Honorable Finance Minister. But it is matter of concern that the federation has not been apprised about the    action taken till date.

Therefore, it was decided in the meeting of office bearers to conduct agitation programmes of gate meetings, sit in, wearing black badges in their respective establishments from 01 March 2016 to 05 March 2016. On 04 March 2016 ‘Dharna’ will be performed and on the last day a memorandum will be presented to the Head of Establishment addressing Honorable Prime Minister and its photocopy should be sent to BMS office and BPMS office.

The demands are as follows-

1. Minimum Pay should be fixed 24000/- rupees in place of 18000/-.

2. The fitment formula should be 3.42 in place of 2.57

3. The ratio of minimum Pay and maximum Pay should be 1:10.

4. Annual increment should be 5% in place of 3%.

5. Five financial upgradations should be granted within the period of 30 years of Service under MACP scheme.

6. Pay Scales of Group ‘C’ employees should be merged and upgraded. Grade Pay 1900 and Grade Pay 2000 should be merged and upgraded to 2400 and Grade Pay 2400 and Grade Pay 2800 should be merged and upgraded to Grade Pay 2800.

7. Risk Allowance, Washing Allowance, Family Planning Allowance should be continued.

8. HRA should be granted at the rate of 15%, 25% and 35%.

9. Minimum two increments should be granted at Promotion.

10.Interest free Advances should be continued.

11.OTA is being granted to the employees posted in offices, directorates etc at the rate of 12 rupees per hour (on the pay scales of 4th CPC). OTA should be granted on the Pay Scales of 7th CPC.

12.Old Pension Scheme should be restored in place of NPS.

13.The employees covered under NPS scheme should be benefited with gratuity.

14.Commuted Pension should be restored on 12th year in place of 15th year.

15.CCL related to women employees should not be reduced.

16.There should not be any educational criteria (High School passed) for grant of compassionate ground appointment.

17.Benefits of 7th CPC should be granted to Centre, State and autonomous body employees equally.

18.Since amendment in Bonus Act has retrospective effect and implemented since 2014, the arrear of 2014-2015 should be granted without any delay.

19.All the employees should be granted Night Duty Allowance without any ceiling.

20.In Ordnance Factories all Piece work employees should be paid OTA (Between 44¾ and 48 hours) on their actual Pay instead of minimum Pay.

21.The employees having equal qualification and same nature of work should be granted equal pay in all ministries.

22.Examiners working in Quality control department in OFB should be granted Incentive Bonus.

23.According to 7th CPC recommendations, civilian employees retiring on same Post or same pay scale should be granted equal Pension.

24.Wards of employees died in harness are unable to find a Job due to 5% ceiling in compassionate appointment. Therefore, waiting dependants should be granted one time relaxation in compassionate appointment.

25.The employees of DRDO should be granted the benefit of PRIS.

Thanking you.

Brotherly yours
(M P Singh)
General Secretary

Copy to:
1. The General Secretary
BMS, New Delhi
2. The Secretary General
GENC, Naveen Market, Kanpur

Source: BPMS

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