Friday, 16 October 2015

Dearness Allowance 6% Orders issued for Tamil Nadu State Government Employees from July 2015

6% DA Orders issued for TN State Government Employees from July 2015

An another installment for this year, orders issued with effect from 1st July 2015, hike by 6% of additional Dearness allowance to the employees of State Government of Tamil Nadu today.

As expected today, the Finance Department published the authentic orders for hiking Dearness allowance to more than eighteen lakh state government employees.

Following the Central Government, the state government has declared DA to its employees from the existing rate of 113% to 119% with effect from 1.7.2015.

Dearness Allowance 6% additional to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank including Non-Combatants(Enrolled) – Orders issued

6% additional DA to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank including Non-Combatants(Enrolled) – Orders issued

Payment of Dearness Allowance to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank including NCs(E) – Revised rates effective. from 1st July, 2015

F.No.1(2)/2004/D (Pay/Services)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi, the 6th October 2015


The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff

Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank including NCs(E) – Revised rates effective. from 1st July, 2015.

I am directed to refer to this Ministry letter No.1(2)/2004/D (Pay/Services) dated 16th April, 2015 on the subject cited above and to say tat the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank, including Non-Combatants (Enrolled), shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 113% to 119% with effect from 1st July, 2015

2. Tha provisions contained in paras 2, 4 and 5 of this Ministry’s letter No.1(2)/2004/D (Pay/Services) dated 25th September 2008 shall continue to be applicable while regulation Dearness Allowance under these orders.

3. The additional instalment of DA payable under the orders shall be paid in Cash to all Armed Forces Officers/ PBORs including NCs(E).

4.This letter issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their Dy. No.330-PA dated 06.10.2015 based an Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure)) O.M. No.1/3/2015-E-II (B), dated 23rd September 2015.

Yours faithfully,
(Prashant Rastogi)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


Fixation of pay on promotion of pre-revised merged pay scales between 1.1.2006 and date of notification of CCS(RP)Rules 2008 – Clarification orders issued by Finance Ministry on 16.10.2015

Fixation of pay on promotion of pre-revised merged pay scales between 1.1.2006 and date of notification of CCS(RP)Rules 2008 – Clarification orders issued by Finance Ministry on 16.10.2015

Cases of promotion taking place in the pre-revised pay structure between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 and the subsequent merger of the pre-revised pay scales of the promotional and the feeder posts in a common Grade – Fixation of Pay – Regarding

No.F-2-1/2015-E.III (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, the 16th October, 2015

Office Memorandum

Subject: Cases of promotion taking place in the pre-revised pay structure between 1.12006 and the date of notification of CCS(RP) Rules ,2008 and the subsequent merger of the pre-revised pay scales of the promotional and the feeder posts in a common Grade- fixation of Regarding.

The undersigned is directed to Say that consequent upon coming into force of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, which were notified on 298.2008 but are effective from 1.1.2006, fixation of pay on promotion on or after 1.1,2006 is carried out as per Rule 13 thereof. This Rule is invoked only in cases of promotion frotn one Grade pay to another in the revised pay structure.

2. In terms of Section I of Part-A of the First Schedule of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, which provides for revised pay structure in the form of applicable pay Bands and Grades pay corresponding to various pre-revised pay Scales, certain pre-revised pay Scales have been merged in a common Grade pay in the revised pay structure w.e.f. 1.1.2006, In view of this, the posts in those pre-revised pay scales which have been merged in a common Grade pay w.e.f. 1,1.2006, are normally required to be merged even if these posts constituted feeder and promotional grades in the pre-revised pay structure.

3. However, in cases where such merger of feeder and promotional posts in the wake of their come to lie in the Same grade pay has not taken place due to administrative reasons and the posts continue to retain their promotional and feeder character as per the relevant Recruitment Rules, this Ministry issued instructions vide OM 10/2/2011-E.III A dated 7.1.2013 providing for fixation of pay on promotion in such cases under Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 subject to the conditions laid down therein.

4. Now, instances have been brought to the notice of this Ministry where the feeder and promotional posts have been merged in view of the merger of the pre- revised pay scales applicable to the erstwhile feeder and promotional posts in a common grade/post after the promulgation of CCS(RP) Rules), 2008, due to which the character of posts being promotional and feeder grades as existing during the period from 1.12006 to the date of notification of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 stood rescinded with retrospective effect from 1.12006 and, consequently, a question has been raised as to whether Rule 13 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 may apply for fixation of pay on promotion taking place during the period between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of the said Rules, when the fixation of pay was actually done as applicable in the event Of promotion in the pre-revised Structure.

5. The matter has been considered in the light of the provisions contained in the OM No. 20020/4/2010-Estt.D dt.13.9.2012 issued by the Department of Personnel & Training, which has been issued in the context of the posts/grades merged in pursuance Of the recommendations of the 6th Central pay Commission. This OM provides, inter-alia, that the Status of a government servant as on 29.8.2008 including those who have earned promotion between 1.12006 and 29.09.2008 will be protected as appointment/promotions are made as per the provisions of the recruitment rules applicable to the post/grade.

6. Accordingly, it has been decided that in cases where promotion took place in the pre-revised pay structure during the period between 1.12006 and the date of notification of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 when the pre-revised and revised pay scales were different and the posts carried the character of feeder and promotional grades, pay fixation on such promotion Shall be allowed under Rule 13 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, subject to the following conditions:-

(i) The promotion had taken place between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification Of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 as per the Recruitment Rules then
in vogue, which clearly provided for such posts being promotional grade for the feeder grade from where the promotion took place and where the posts were subsequently merged in a single post/grade consequent upon promulgation of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008.

(ii) FR. 22 (r) I), which was applicable for fixation Of pay on promotion before promulgation of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, was invoked for fixation
of pay in these cases in the pre-revised structure during the period between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of the CCS(RP) Rules 2008.

(iii) The concerned employees had opted to come over to the revised pay structure from a date occurring prior to the date Of notification of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008.

(iv) The concerned Recruitment Rules have been amended subsequently to provide for merger of these grades into a single grade/post.

7. This order applies only in case of promotions carried out in the pre-revised structure durirg 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008. Thus, the benefit of Rule 13 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 would not apply in Cases of appointment to the post which was in the higher pay scale in the pre-revised pay structure, where such appointment is made after the date of notification of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008.

8. In its application to the employees serving under the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, this order issues with the concurrence Of the office Of CMG.

9. The Hindi Version of this OM is attached.

(Amar Nath Singh)

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India


Bonus Orders 2015 : Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to CG Employees for the year 2014-15

Bonus Orders 2015 : Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to Central Government Employees for the year 2014-15

Finance Ministry issued orders today regarding Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus) for Central Government Empoyees for the year 2014-15.

Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus) to the Central Government Employees for the year 2014-15

No.7/24/2007/E III (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E III (A) Branch

New Delhi, the October 16, 2015


Subject: – Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2014-15.

The undersigned is directed to convey the sanction of the President to the grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoo Bonus) equivalent to 30 days emoluments for the accounting year 2014-15 to the Central Government employees in Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ and all non-gazetted employees in Group ‘B’, who are not covered by any Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme. The calculation ceiling for payment of ad-hoc Bonus under these orders shall continue to be monthly emoluments of Rs. 3500/-, as hitherto. The payment of ad-hoc Bonus under these orders will also be admissible to the eligible employees of Central Para Military Forces and Armed Forces. The orders will be deemed to be extended to the employees of Union Territory Administration which follow the Central Government pattern of emoluments and are not covered by any other bonus or ex-gratia scheme.

2. The benefit will be admissible subject to the following terms and conditions:-

    (i) Only those employees who were in service as on 31.3.2015 and have rendered at least six months of continuous service during the year 2014-15 will be eligible for payment under these orders. Pro-rata payment will be admissible to the eligible employees for period of continuous service during the year from six months to a full year, the eligibility period being taken in terms of number of months of service (rounded off to the nearest number of months);

    (ii) The quantum of Non-PLB (ad-hoc bonus) will be worked out on the basis of average emoluments/calculation ceiling whichever is lower. To calculate Non-PLB (Ad-hoc bonus) for one day, the average emoluments in a year will be divided by 30.4 (average number of days in a month). This will thereafter be multiplied by the number of days of bonus granted. To illustrate, taking the calculation ceiling of monthly emoluments of Rs. 3500 (where actual average emoluments exceed Rs. 3500/-, Non-PLB (Ad-hoc Bonus) for thirty days would work out to Rs. 3500×30/30.4=Rs.3453.95 (rounded off to Rs.345%)

    (iii) The casual labour who have worked in offices following a 6 days week for at least 240 days for each year for 3 years or more (206 days in each year for 3 years or more in the case of offices observing 5 days week), will be eligible for this Non-PLB (Ad-hoc Bonus) Payment. The amount of Non-PLB (ad-hoc bonus) payable will be (Rs.12oox30/30.4 i.e.Rs.1184.21 (rounded off to Rs.1184/). In cases where the actual emoluments fall below Rs.1200/- pm, the amount will be calculated on actual monthly emoluments.

    (iv) All payments under these orders will be rounded off to the nearest rupee.

    (v) The clarificatory orders issued vide this Ministry’s OM No.F.14 (10)-E. Coord/88 dated 4.10.1988, as amended from time to time, would hold good.

3. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to the respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited.

4. The expenditure to be incurred on account of Non-PLB (Ad-hoc Bonus) is to be met from within the sanctioned budget provision of concerned Ministries/Departments for the current year.

5. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

(Amar Nath Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India


Click to view the order in Hindi and English

Promotion Guidelines for promotion of IAS Officers - DOPT

Promotion for IAS Officers – Promotion Guidelines reviewed by Dopt

Review of Promotion Guidelines for promotion of IAS Officers – clarifications – regarding

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated the 15th October, 2015


The Chief Secretaries of all State Governments and UTs (By Name)
Subject: Review of Promotion Guidelines for promotion of IAS Officers – clarifications – regarding

I am directed to refer to this department’s letter No.20011/4/92-AIS(II) dated the 28th March, 2000 issuing guidelines for promotion of member of the Indian Administrative Service and to say that this department has been receiving references seeking clarification on grant of promotion in case of review DPC with regard to the official who is clear from vigilance angle on the date of promotion of the junior in the original DPC but subsequently attracts the provision contained in para 11.1 of the promotion guidelines for IAS dated 28.03.2000 which provides that “at the time of consideration of the cases of Government servants for promotion, details of Government servants in the consideration zone for promotion falling under the following categories should be specifically brought to the notice of the Departmental Promotion Committee:-

         (i) Government servants under suspension;

    (ii) Government servants in respect of whom a charge sheet has been issued and the disciplinary proceedings are pending; and

        (iii) Government servants in respect of whom prosecution for a criminal charge is pending.”

2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Department of Legal Affairs and it is clarified that in the case of review DPC, where a junior has been promoted on the recommendations of the original DPC, the official would be considered for promotion if he/she is clear from vigilance angle on the date of promotion of junior, even if the provisions of para 11.1 of Promotion Guidelines dated 28.03.2000 gets attracted on the date of actual promotion, is considered.

3. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.


Click to view order

DoPT Notification on 15.10.2015 - Procedure for grant of permission for commercial employment after retirement

Procedure for grant of permission for commercial employment after retirement – DoPT Gazette Notification on 15.10.2015

Forwarding of Gazette Notification on procedure for grant of permission for commercial employment after retirement-revision of Form 25

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.27012/3/2014-Estt.(A), dated 15.10.2015
Subject: Forwarding of Gazette Notification on procedure for grant of permission for commercial employment after retirement-revision of Form 25

The undersigned is directed to forward herewith copy of Notification dated 15th September, 2015 published in the Gazette of India regarding amendment of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 for revision in Form 25 prescribed for granting permission for commercial employment to the pensioners after retirement.


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