Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Revisions of rates in serving of refreshments during meetings--Finmin Orders 2015

Revisions of rates in serving of refreshments during meetings--Finmin Orders 2015

Revisions of rates in serving of refreshments during meetings

G.I., Finance Ministry O.M.No. 7(3)/E-Coord/2013, dated 6.5.2015

Subject: Economy in expenditure – serving of refreshments during meetings etc.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Expenditure O.M. No. 7(1)/E.Coord/2014 dated 29-10-2014 on the subject mentioned above whereby a ban has been imposed on holding meetings and conferences at Five Star Hotels except in case of bi-lateral / multi-lateral official engagements which are held at the level of Minister-in-Charge or Administrative Secretary with Foreign Governments or International Bodies of which India is a Member.

2. A number of references from various Ministries are being received where in view of the nature / level of international engagements as also availability of venue for such meetings, official engagements are proposed in Five Star Hotels and such meetings include extension of hospitality in the form of Lunch / Dinner etc.

3. In this context, it has been decided to extend rates as fixed by MEA for Lunch Dinner as follows:-
Function Rates
Buffet lunch Rs.950
Buffet Dinner Rs.950
Sit down lunch Rs.950
Sit down dinner Rs.1050
Cocktail Rs.575

4. The Administrative Secretary in consultation with the Financial Advisor would need to exercise utmost discretion and ensure that the above ceiling is adhered to keeping in View the austerity instructions contained in Department of Expenditure OM No. 7(1)/E.Coord/2014 dated 29-10-2014 and Cabinet Secretary’s DC. No. 213/1/2/2015-CA.IV dated 11-02-2015 for strict compliance.

5. This issues with the approval of Secretary (Expenditure).
Revision of Rates for serving refreshment/working lunch during meetings/seminars/conferences etc: Finance Ministry Orders
G.I., Finance Ministry O.M.No. 7(3)/E-Coord/2013, dated 6/5/2015
Subject: Economy in expenditure – serving of refreshments during meetings etc.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Expenditure OM. No. 7(2)E-Coord/03 dated 25.3.2004 on the subject mentioned above whereby the ceiling of Rs. 150/- per head was fixed for serving refreshment/working lunch during meetings/seminars/conferences.
2. A number of proposals have been received from various Ministries/Departments seeking relaxation of the above ceiling.
3. The matter has been re-examined and it has been decided to revise the ceiling of Rs. 150/- per head for serving refreshments/working lunch during meetings/seminars/conferences etc. in the following manner:
S.No. Item Ceiling (Rs.)
1. Tea+Snacks Rs.200/-
2. High Tea Rs.500/-
3. Lunch/Dinner Rs.750/-
4. The Administrative Secretary in consultation with the Financial ’Advisor would need to exercise utmost discretion While deciding expenditure on above account keeping in mind economy in expenditure and adherence of financial rules/norms/propriety.
5. This issues with the approval of Secretary (Expenditure).

Emergency Facilities are available in CGHS Dispensaries

Emergency Facilities in CGHS Dispensaries

The CGHS dispensaries have all the medicines required in emergency. As per the CGHS guidelines, a provision is there to keep medicines available to counter any medical emergency that might arise within the Wellness Centre. There is an Emergency Tray available with the nursing staff which contains most of the medicines required under emergency situation. The availability of the medicines with their valid date of expiry in this Emergency Tray is checked on a regular basis and also during surprise checks.

A complaint was received on 07.09.2013 from Sh. R. C. Khuntia, the then Member of Parliament in respect of pensioner beneficiary, Sh. B. K. Joshi regarding non-supply of life saving drugs on time by CGHS Bhubaneswar. The delay in supply was due to non availability of cancer medicine with the authorized stockiest.

In case the medicines are not available at the Wellness Centre, they are procured through local purchase. If any medicine is prescribed by the treating doctor that is required to be used immediately and if that medicine is not available in the Wellness Centre, authority slip is issued to the patient to collect the medicine from the authorized local chemist free of cost.
The Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Shri J P Nadda stated this in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha here today.

Source: PIB News

Grant of age concession for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government to Persons with Disabilities

Age concession for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government to Persons with Disabilities

Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or low vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government.

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.15012/1/2003-Estt.D, dated 12.5.2015

Subject: Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or low vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government.

This Department intends to issue a consolidated instructions regarding grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or low vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government.
2. Before the instructions in the Draft O.M. (copy enclosed) are finalized, all stakeholders, Ministries/Departments are requested to offer their comments/views, if any, in this regard latest by 11th June, 2015 at the e Mail address dire]-dopt@nic.in.
(Mukta Goel)
G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.15012/1/2003-Estt.(D), dated….

Subject: Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or low vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government.

The undersigned is directed to say that the following age concessions have been provided to physically handicapped persons for recruitment under the Central Government:

(i) Provision of ten years concession in upper age limit for Group C and D posts filled through employment exchanges issued vide O.M.No.15012/6/77-Estt.(D) dated 28.1.1978;

(ii) Provision of five years’ concession in upper age limit (10 years for SC/ST, 8 years for OBC) for recruitment to Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ posts otherwise than through Open Competitive Examination issued vide O.M.No.15012/5/92-Estt. (D) dated 27.7.1995; and

(iii) Provision of ten years concession in upper age limit (15 years for SC/ST, 13 years for OBC) for recruitment to Group A,B,C and D Civil Posts/Services filled through Open Competitive Examination issued vide O.M.No.43019/28/86-Estt.(D) dated 1.2.1999.

2. The question of prescribing uniform age-concession for direct recruitment to all Civil Posts/Services under the Central Government has since been examined and in supersession of the OMs referred to at (I), (H) and (iii) above the following has been decided:

(i) Age relaxation of 10 years (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates) in upper age limit shall be allowed to persons suffering from (a)
blindness or low vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy in case of direct recruitment to all civil posts/services under the Central Government identified suitable to be held by persons with such disabilities, subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date shall not exceed 56 years.

(ii) The age concession to the persons with disabilities shall be admissible irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved for person with disabilities or not, provided the post is identified suitable for the relevant category of disability. This provision will not apply to the Civil Services Examination, in respect of which the List of Services Identified suitable for Physically Disabled Category along with the Physical Requirements and Functional Classifications is notified separately.

(iii) Relaxation of age limit would be permissible to such persons who have a minimum of 40% disability.

(iv) The definitions of above categories of disabilities, for the purpose of age relaxation, will be same as given in this Department’s O.M. No. 36035/3/2004-Estt(Reservation) dated 29th December 2005.

(v) If a person with disability is entitled to age concession by virtue of being a Central Government employee, concession to him/her will be admissible either as a ‘person with disability’ or as a ‘Central Government employee’ whichever may be more beneficial to him/her. This provision will not apply to the Civil Services Examination, which is governed by the Civil Services Examination Rules, published annually.

(vi) Provisions of this O.M. will not be applicable to a post/service for which other
specific provision regarding age relaxation is made by notification.

3. The Ministries/Departments are advised to ensure invariably that while sending the requisition to the UPSC/SSC and other recruitment agencies for direct recruitment posts by selection, they should clearly mention in the requisition the category of person(s) with disabilities suitable for the post(s) in question. No change or modification in identified post(s) for physically disabled persons with respect to an Examination, intimated after the
Notification of that Examination, shall be acceptable.

4. These instructions come into effect from the date of their issue.
(Mukta Goel)
Authority: www.persmin.gov.in

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