Monday, 23 March 2015

Dopt Orders - Crucial date of determination of age of 56 years for induction into AIS

Crucial date of determination of age of 56 years for induction into AIS – Dopt Orders

G.I., Dept. of Pers. & Trg., O.M.F.No.14015/30/2015-AIS-I, dated 20.3.2015

Subject: Clarification on crucial date of determination of age of 56 years for induction into AIS and its applicability with reference to the year of Select List-regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that on the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court, and in consultation with Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Forest, UPSC and the State Governments, the Central Government has decided to raise maximum age limit from 54 years to 56 years for promotion/induction from State Service/Non-State Civil Service to All India Service with effect from the Select List of 2015 with crucial date of determination of age as 01.01.2015. In order to implement this decision, this Department has issued four notifications dated 17.03.2015 amending the following regulations with the stipulation that these amendments will take effect from the date of their publication in the official gazette: -

(i) Regulation 5 (3) of Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955;
(ii) Regulation 5 (3) of Indian Police Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955;
(iii) Regulation 5 (3) of Indian Forest Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1966; and
(iv) Proviso 1 below Regulation 4(1)(iii) of Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Selection) Regulations, 1997

2. Further, as decided by the Government, anomaly in Non-SCS Select List vis- a-vis SCS Select List for the vacancies arising during the same year has been removed through OM dated 17.3.2015. As per this OM, for the vacancies arising during the period 1 1.2014 to 31.12.2014, the Select list of Non-SCS officers will be styled as Select List-2014-A instead of Select List 2015. The Select List of SCS officers had already been styled coinciding with the year of the vacancies from the year 2010, after the clarificatory OM dated 25.08.2010. Thus, for the vacancies arising during the year 2015 (between 1.1.2015 to 31.12.2015), the Select List for both SCS officers as well as Non-SCS officers will be styled as Select List-2015.

3. Now, for the benefit of all stakeholders, it is clarified that the above amendments are applicable for the Select Lists of 2015 (vacancies arising between 01.01.2015 to 31.12 2015) and onwards with crucial date for determination of age as 1st January of that Select List year. For example, for the Select List of 2015, the upper age limit for consideration will be 56 years with crucial date for determination of age as 01.01.2015.

4. In so far as the Select Lists of State Service/Non-State Civil Service officers of 2014/2014-A to be prepared for the vacancies arisen between 1.1.2014 to 31.12.2014 are concerned, the same would be prepared in accordance with the regulations existing in 2014. In other words, up-to the Select Lists of 2014/2014-A, the maximum age limit for consideration for induction into AIS would be 54 years and the same would be reckoned as on 1st January of the respective Select List year.

5 (i). For further clarity, for example, 10 and 2 vacancies arose during 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2014 in West Bengal cadre in the SCS and Non-SCS category respectively. The Select List for SCS officers would be styled as Select List 2014 and for Non-SCS officers, it would be styled as Select List 2014-A. The Selection Committee Meetings would be held in 2015 and the upper age limit will be 54 years with crucial date of determination as 01.01.2014 for both the category of officers.

(ii)Similarly, if 6 and 2 vacancies arise during 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015 in Odisha cadre in the SCS and Non-SCS category respectively, the Select Lists would be styled as Select List 2015 for both the category of officers. The Selection Committee Meetings for Select List 2015 would be held in 2016 and the upper age limit will be 56 years with crucial date of determination as 01.01.2015 for both SCS and Non-SCS officers.

6. All State Governments/Cadre Controlling Authorities and UPSC are, therefore, requested to implement the aforementioned amendments in accordance with the above clarifications.


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